Employment of 400 people in the stone-cutting workshops of Ferdous, South Khorasan

According to the report of Aria Heritage, quoted by the public relations of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of South Khorasan, Kazem Shabnamzadeh on Wednesday, December 1, 1402, on the sidelines of the sixth National Handicrafts Exhibition of South Khorasan. He informed about the activity of 80 fabric weaving workshops in Ferdous and stated: We have the second rank in the province in the field of fabric weaving and active workshops in the city.
The head of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Department of Ferdous stated: Currently, 12 pottery and ceramic workshops are active in Ferdous, and traditional and engraved bricks are also produced in these workshops and sent to the provincial capital and neighboring provinces.
Shabnamzadeh He stated: Weaving, carpets, carpets, financial felt, turning, coppersmithing, Chinese knots, netting, and interlacing are other handicrafts of this city.
Referring to the presence of the artisans of Ferdous city in the handicrafts exhibition of the province with the focus on dost and stone art, he said: the artisans of this city have displayed their capabilities in 11 booths.
The head of the cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts department of Ferdous city continued: In this exhibition, 12 booths are at the disposal of Ferdous city, of which 6 booths are specialized in the field of precious and semi-precious stones, 5 booths are related to handicrafts, and one booth is related to the field of tourism. .
Shabnamzadeh He reminded: products such as stone, knotting and wood mesh, towel weaving, pottery inscriptions, pottery, wood turning are displayed in these booths.
The National Handicrafts Exhibition focusing on hand and stone art will be held at Birjand International Exhibition Center from November 29 to December 3 and those who are interested can visit this exhibition from 16:00 to 21:00.
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