Environment Week is organized with the message “National Movement to Reduce Plastic Pollution”.

Referring to the history of naming the World Environment Day, Mohsen Naghilo said: The history of naming the World Environment Day goes back to 1972, that is, 50 years ago. In that year, for the first time, the United Nations held a conference on the subject of man and the environment in Stockholm, Sweden. Simultaneously with the establishment of this conference, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution that led to the formation of UNEP (United Nations Environment Program).
He added: “Solutions for plastic pollution” has been chosen as the slogan of this year’s World Environment Day, and accordingly, this year’s Environment Week will be held across the country with the central message of “National Movement to Reduce Plastic Pollution”.
Naghilo stated: The central document of the actions of the environment week in 1402 is the explanation of the necessity of implementing the bylaws to reduce the use of plastic bags, which has been approved by the 13th People’s and Revolutionary Government.
The General Director of Public Relations and Media Affairs of the Environmental Protection Organization stated that the objectives of the Environment Week are to show the critical situation of the environment in the media, to create sensitivity for the implementation of social responsibility and the need for everyone’s cooperation and participation to solve this global problem, to transform environmental culture into Public education among different strata of people and officials and promotion of public culture as well as familiarization of the general public with the goals, views, policies, programs and missions of the Environmental Protection Organization.
The executive secretary of the headquarters of the environment week said about the date of this year’s environment week: the first day of the environment week (June 16) is named after global-regional diplomacy, climate and water change management, implementation of dust reduction solutions.
The Secretary of the Information Council of the Environmental Protection Organization announced the names of other days of this week as follows:
June 17: Biodiversity and protection of endangered plant and animal species with the participation of local communities
June 18: environment, environmental protection, promoting the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom
June 19: environment, media, religious teachings, social responsibility of all and family
June 20: environment, green industry, waste and sustainable development of knowledge
June 21: environment, sea-based economy, wetlands tourism, employment, process facilitation and production growth
June 22: environment, new technologies, cement and voluntary contributions of the people
Referring to the implementation policies and approaches of the Environment Week, Nakhilo continued to establish coordination with the organizations and organizations active in the campaign of 80 million environmentalists in order to highlight the importance and necessity of protecting nature and biodiversity and attracting people’s participation and companionship with He emphasized conservation programs and said: Strengthening knowledge and raising awareness and giving hope to the people through the national media and other mass communication media, exploiting the capacity and social influence of artists, athletes, elites, etc., in line with the culture of conservation from the environment, establishing the maximum participation of non-governmental organizations in organizing environment week programs through environmental houses, honoring public activists and voluntary actions in the field of wildlife, collecting waste from wildlife habitats by local communities, Education and culture building regarding field management during the entry of animal species into urban and rural areas to the general public, etc., supporting new technologies compatible with the environment with the approach of supporting the purchase of goods made in Iran, holding educational workshops for Different classes of people and the implementation of waste cleanup ceremonies in environmental areas at the entry points of cities due to the beginning of summer holidays are among the approaches and implementation policies of this year’s environment week.
The General Director of Public Relations and Media Affairs of the Environmental Protection Organization regarding the media priorities of this organization in holding the Environment Week, stated: The media priorities of the Environmental Protection Organization in holding the Environment Week, which are based on the Jihad of explanation and correct information, It has been compiled in a clear and timely manner, including: promoting promising processes and projects, explaining the positive effects of implementing environmental projects, and emphasizing not to pick up and open projects without environmental assessment as a strategy.
He pointed out: The issue of holding the environment week is a cross-departmental issue and organizations and ministries that have an event during the environment week can contact the secretariat of the organizing headquarters at 42781475 during office hours.
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