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Equipping the orthopedic workshop for the disabled in the south of Kerman province

The head of tourism financial group emphasized during his visit to Jiroft rehabilitation center:

According to the report of Puli-Mali news, quoted from the public relations of the tourism finance group, together with December 12, which is named as the International Day of the Disabled, Mehdi Jahangiri, the head of the tourism finance group, along with the officials of this group from the center of Yas Charity Foundation Fatemeh Al-Nabi (PBUH) Jiroft visited.

The visit of the officials of the tourism financial group to the place where the clients are kept was the main part of this program and they were closely informed about the state of nutrition, health, rehabilitation and all the needs that are effective in improving the health of the clients.

During this program, Mehdi Jahangiri, the head of the tourism finance group, gave the necessary recommendations to maintain the morale and vitality of the clients and colleagues, who are mainly women heads of families, and called for immediate measures to complete the new clients’ house or independent house.

In another part of this program, Jahangiri and the accompanying delegation visited the orthopedic workshop of Yas Fatemeh Al-Nabi Charity Foundation (S) Jiroft, which is responsible for orthotics and prostheses for disabled people in 8 southern cities of Kerman province, and bought some of the equipment of this workshop from abroad. He emphasized that it is not possible to supply them inside the country.

At the end of this visit, Jahangiri pointed out that the orthoburial workshop of this foundation should be established for the people of south Kerman, and in the presence of 50 colleagues of this center, he gave a reward to each of them, while appreciating and thanking them for their services.

According to this report, there are currently 90 clients in this center, which is one of the best care centers for clients in Iran.

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