cultural and artisticHeritage and Tourism

Exhibition of the works of the Etienne Jules Mare Museum in Golestan Palace

According to Aria Heritage, a “virtual exhibition of the works of the Etienne Jules Mare Museum and photographs of Golestan Palace with the theme of movement (chronophotography)” on the website, In both Persian and French, and an exhibition of works by contemporary artists entitled “From You Move” on the official page of the Golestan Palace World Heritage Collection will be open to the public on December 8th.

The planning of this art event dates back to before the Corona Pandemic, but unfortunately the limitations of this pandemic limited the program to virtual performance.
As the title of the event puts it, the phrase “art and science of movement” has been the main goal of consolidating the relationship between culture and science. The development of the museum’s activities from the field of culture and art to the field of science is one of the most important achievements of this event. In line with this view, the idea of ​​Dr. Thierry Pozzo, a senior member of the Faculty of Sport Sciences of the University of Burgundy, France, was welcomed by the management of Golestan Palace. Formed.

Etienne Jules Mare, also a medical student and engineer, developed a measuring instrument to study one of life’s most obvious manifestations, motion, and thus complemented the graphic method invented by German physiologists. The nineteenth-century scientist was able to turn mental observations into objective quantifications by inventing the graphic method and the possibility of preserving a trace of a phenomenon that occurred in the past.

We know that artists have often resorted to repeating a theme in a single space to show a moving human being. As can be seen in some reliefs, the sequence of a single character sometimes leads to a sense of rhythm and the illusion of movement, indicating that our predecessors mastered such a technique as to keep soldiers or horses moving in their place.

In the 19th century, the camera came to the aid of artists to capture the idea using this valuable invention.

In selecting the photos from the Golestan Palace album, the focus has been on showing movement from the perspective of a nineteenth-century photographer.
The forthcoming exhibition tries to depict two perspectives, namely the efforts of scientists and artists, and to place them in front of interested viewers.

In addition to these two events, a collection of articles on the subject of motion (chronophotography) written by professors and researchers in this field has also been prepared electronically, which will be available to those interested soon after fixing technical problems on the official website of Golestan Palace. Before that date, you can receive a PDF file by sending an email to the international section of Golestan Palace at


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