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Explanation of Oghot Network about the margins created for the program “Beh Oghot Palestine” – Mehr News Agency Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr news agency, citing Sima’s information platform, the Efoq network informed in a notice about the published margins about the program “Ba Efoq Palestine”.

This text states:

“Following the publication of some inaccurate and ambiguous information about the television program “To the Horizon of Palestine”, the public relations of the Egoq Cima network brings the following explanations with the aim of clarifying to the public opinion: the Egoq network coincides with the Al-Aqsa storm operation and the subsequent attacks. The Zionist regime has tried to cover the various events of this war at the same time by broadcasting the special program “To the Palestinian Horizon” to the people of Gaza.

Now, after four weeks of hard and admirable efforts, the respected production team of this program has decided to stop production, with the aim of maintaining this media added value on the issue of Palestine and to continue producing this program from a new and professional team. will benefit Efoq Network emphasizes that this “unwanted change of the production team” is against the wishes of the organization and Efoq Network, and at the same time, it respects it and thanks and appreciates all the members of this team. Although he also reserves the right to make a friendly complaint to these dear ones that in the difficult situation that is happening to the oppressed people of Gaza and the heroic creation of the young people has narrowed the field of resistance against the usurping and child-killing Zionist regime, stopping the production of this program was not a suitable and necessary action. macro and strategic interests should always prevail over micro decisions and interests.

Afogh Network also rejects the analyzes and wrong conclusions about this program, which are either based on false and distorted information, or as a result of malice and immorality of some ideological and factional currents, which have been injected into the atmosphere of public opinion, and once again emphasizes He adheres more than ever to the transformative strategy of “cooperation and synergy with cultural and revolutionary institutions, institutions and elements” and considers this strategy, which has been emphasized many times by the head of the organization, to be the right way to improve the quality and quantity of media content. “Ofoq Network, which was founded on the original principles and foundations of the Islamic Revolution and the sacred goals of the broad resistance front, does not consider any controversy regarding this program, which is adorned with the sacred issue of Palestine and resistance, to be appropriate and will not engage in such controversies.”

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