Extension of the deadline for registration of supplementary insurance for people of culture and art

The deadline for registration of supplementary insurance for people of culture, art, media and Quran and Atrat activists has been extended until Mehr 1st of 1402.
Charso Press: According to the public relations of the Art Credit Fund, due to the high demand of members who have not succeeded in registering and benefiting from supplementary medical insurance services, the deadline for the registration of supplementary medical insurance for artists, writers, journalists and activists of the Qur’an and Atrat members of the fund. Art credit, which started on September 18 across the country, was extended until the end of Saturday, October 1.
The members of the Art Credit Fund across the country can refer to the dedicated messenger of the Art Credit Fund at the address app.honarcredit.ir and the website of the Art Credit Fund. Profile.honarcredit.ir Register and benefit from supplementary insurance services.
Therefore, new applicants can register their dependents in the same plan by choosing one of the plans (hope, peace and prosperity). In addition, the mentioned deadline will not be extended in any way.
The supplementary insurance contract for the members of the Art Credit Fund who use the supplementary medical insurance plan will be valid from October 1, 1402 to September 31, 1403.