Eyebrow lift with thread: advantages, complications and its process

- Are you ashamed of the shape of your eyebrows?
- Do you raise your eyebrows when you smile for photos?
- Do you think your eyebrows make your eyes look droopy?
eyebrow lift It can be a solution for those who answer yes to all these questions. First of all, you should know that the shape of the eyebrows is a matter of heredity; The volume, elasticity of the skin and the stiffness of the facial muscles decrease with age. Combining these things with the effect of gravity will make you soon notice that the upper third of your face is drooping. Fallen eyebrows give your eyes a heavy and even sad look, and the opposite is high eyebrows, open and energetic eyes, and even a younger and more attractive look. In fact, the appearance of women who have higher eyebrows is considered more attractive. For this reason, most women are looking for ways to lift their eyebrows, and most of them want minimally invasive methods in order to have a shorter recovery period. For this reason, most women consider eyebrow lifting by lifting threads to be the best way to lift eyebrows because after They returned to their daily activities. In the following, we have provided explanations regarding the benefits, how to perform, etc. of this treatment method.
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People who are suitable for eyebrow lift with thread.
Those who have the following, to do Eyebrow lift with thread they are proper:
- drooping eyebrows
- Tired and nervous facial expression
- Horizontal forehead lines
- Deep frown lines between the eyebrows
- Heavy appearance of the upper eyelids
People who intend to have a thread eyebrow lift should have appropriate skin elasticity and realistic expectations.
Advantages of eyebrow lift with thread
Immediate results
Achieving the results of eyebrow lift surgery may take several weeks or even months. Many people who undergo a thread brow lift like to see the results immediately. Immediately after finishing the eyebrow lift with thread, you will face a younger and firmer appearance of your skin. In this process, absorbable threads are placed under the skin and the eyebrows are lifted.
Fast recovery period
In normal eyebrow lift surgery, you have to wait for a heavy and painful recovery period that lasts for several weeks. But by using a thread eyebrow lift, you can leave the office with your own feet and you will even be ready for a lunch date with your friends.
Firmer and younger skin
Face lift with thread leads to the stimulation of collagen production of the skin and a younger appearance. In addition, your eyebrow is well stretched in the lift with a thread, and this makes you look smoother and free of fine wrinkles. The thread entry points are accompanied by a significant reduction in wrinkles and fine lines.
high durability
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Although a thread lift is a quick process, it will last for a long time, about a year, which makes it a cost-effective method.
How to perform eyebrow lift with thread?
In this process, you lie on the bed and lean your head back so that your face is towards the ceiling. The dermatologist will first make marks on the treatment area and use an anesthetic to prevent pain and irritation during the procedure. He then inserts the thread into the layers of the skin around the eyes with the help of a needle or cannula, and after making sure that the thread is restrained by the skin, he pulls it and tightens the skin in addition to the eyebrow lift. After this process is completed, the needle or cannula is pulled out and the excess thread is cut.
Does eyebrow lift have any side effects or risks?
Although the thread lift method is generally a low-risk procedure with minimal recovery time, there are risks and side effects. It is not abnormal to see the following after a thread lift:
- a bruise
- swelling
- Bleeding
- Slight pain at the site of thread insertion
The probability of problems caused by thread lift is 15 to 20%, and among these problems, it can be mentioned that the skin becomes uneven. You should also take care of the following problems:
- Allergic reactions to products used in yarn
- Bleeding from the operation under your skin
- Wavyness and unevenness caused by thread stretching
- Unwanted displacement of the thread that leads to the creation of a problem in another part of the skin.
- Subcutaneous pain caused by tightness or improper placement of thread
- Infection at the site of thread entry
Of all the problems that may arise from a thread lift, infection should be taken the most seriously. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience the following:
- Green, black, brown, or red discharge from the thread insertion site
- Swelling that remains for more than 48 hours
- Persistent headache
- Fever
If you are concerned about possible problems after a thread lift, you should visit the surgeon who performed it. It is better to talk to your surgeon fully before the procedure, so that you know what to expect from the result of the procedure and that the existence of differences between the result of the procedure and what you expected will not upset you. In addition, you should choose a reputable and experienced surgeon for this work in order to achieve the best results and reduce the possibility of problems.
Alternative methods of eyebrow lift with thread
Eyebrow lift with botox injection An effective way to reduce the activity of certain muscles around the eyes and forehead is to lift the eyebrows. This process leads to the raising of the eyebrows by a few millimeters and the more open and youthful appearance of your eyes and face.
But Botox injection does not always mean immobility and numb appearance and movement of facial muscles. An experienced specialist can create a good fit between the movements of the facial muscles that are injected to improve the beauty of the face (after injection) and create a natural appearance.
On the day of injection, the dermatologist evaluates the strength of the frown muscle, which is located near each eyebrow. After determining the muscle strength and their exact position, the dermatologist injects Botox. You may experience a little pain during the injection, but it only lasts a few seconds. To reduce this pain, you can also inject some anesthetic.
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