Financial logic must govern all decisions

According to the Iran Economist, quoting the public relations of the National Bank of Iran, Dr. Mohammad Reza Farzin in the meeting, which was attended by several senior bank managers and managers, heads of general departments, heads of provincial branches, heads of districts and distinguished branches. The webinar was held, the most important and most important balance for banks as liquidity balance and added: until this balance is not corrected, the balance of profit and loss will not be established.
Emphasizing that managers should be sensitive to the liquidity debate, he said: “Money is not a homogeneous commodity in the bank because its rates are different, so its expenditure portfolio should be managed to maintain profit and loss.”
Farzin announced the establishment of a marketing committee consisting of the department of finance, branches, information technology, credit, comprehensive banking and public relations in the bank and said: marketing should have a single policy and all managers should be in charge of the bank’s policies.
He concluded: “Obligation facilities can make banks’ business uneconomic, and this should be considered in policy-making and decision-making.”
Also, Hassan Monsan, a member of the Board of Directors and Deputy Branch of the Bank, created employment, helping to increase the country’s production, creating 1401 production units and economic enterprises, and extensive specialized financing for customers and individuals in the form of comprehensive banking. This year, he said, it is necessary to equip resources in the bank to achieve these goals.
Emphasizing that maintaining and equipping resources is one of the most important goals of the bank in the new year, he added: out of 37 new projects defined in the bank this year, 9 projects are related to branches, so the headquarters and departments should be active To make the branches move well and competently.
Alireza Mahyar, a member of the Board of Directors and Deputy Director of Information Technology and Communication Network of the bank, said that now we are in an atmosphere of economic war and banks are at the top of attacks, he said: And this year, the issue of fleet modernization and branch smartening is being seriously pursued. Also, the country call center will be decentralized and distributed in the provinces.
Emphasizing that this year we are also following the discussion of specializing services in comprehensive banking, he said: Today, more than 90% of transactions in the country are done in the form of poses, while in other countries of the world, this statistic is in the form of telephone Accompanied. We have the capacity to provide the necessary platform through the wallet, so comprehensive planning has been done in the bank.
Emphasizing that the marketing of the bank and the PSPs should be coordinated and all measures should be done in the form of financial engineering, Mahyar said: “Since the launch of the Shetab network in the Central Bank until today, more than 254 million transactions have been made. This amount is 118 million transactions related to Bank Melli Iran, so it is the most infrastructural pressure in this bank, and this shows the sensitivity of Bank Melli Iran’s position.
Also, Amir Massoud Razazan, the head of the bank’s finance department, said that observing the allowed credit limits should be more important in the bank’s credit policy this year, adding that the balance and control of unstable resources and facility resources should be established.
Emphasizing that not every deposit is a privilege for the bank and cash inflow deposits can be useful, he said: in order to remain competitive, good products must be offered. In addition, proper marketing and customer orientation are also of special importance in this sector.
In the end, Razazan expressed his hope that with the efforts of all colleagues, the bank will be established in a position that deserves its name and credit.
Aslan Karimi, Tehran Branch Manager, also said that the banking method should be changed and the liquidity level should be in a higher position, adding: “There are good capacities in the branches and they should act in an integrated manner in the allocation of resources.”
Mohammad Najafzadeh, director of regional affairs of a country, also stated that the discussion of resource and expenditure management should be systematic, said: surplus resources and expenditures do not necessarily mean the profitability of the bank, but resources and expenditures for profitability should be allocated optimally.
Bijan Moghaddam Biranvand, Director of Regional Affairs of the two countries, also stated in the meeting that all of us must adhere to the orders of the Supreme Leader and the priorities of this year, adding: To be placed.
Also, Hamid Momeni, the director of the bank’s independent branches, emphasized that all capacities should be used to attract resources in the bank, saying: Technology should help equip and monitor resources, and all parts of the bank should help in maintaining resources. Be the provider of branches.