
Fire in the natural gas pipeline in western Russia + video

According to Fars International News Agency, “RBC” news agency reported on Tuesday (December 20) quoting local officials that an explosion occurred in the Orengoi-Pomari-Uzhhorod gas export pipeline that leads from Russia to Ukraine.

According to Reuters, the regional emergency department in Chuvashstan, one of the autonomous republics of Russia where the incident took place, said it received a call about a fire in a gas pipeline, adding that according to preliminary information, no one was injured in the incident.

According to Rasha Today, an LNG pipeline caught fire in the Republic of Chuvashstan in western Russia. The pipeline operator and local authorities are investigating the incident. According to the report, this pipeline is mainly used to transport natural gas from Siberia to Western Europe.

According to the Russian news agency Tass, following the news about the explosion in this pipeline, the price of gas in Europe increased to $1,200 per 1,000 cubic meters.

Russia’s Ryanovsi news agency reported in an additional news that three people were killed and one person was injured following an explosion in the LNG pipeline in Chuvashstan, Russia.

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