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For reformation and the path of transformation, we must use the honor that God has given us in his own way. First, we should create unity in our society with the method of Imam (RA) and leadership, and then be a herald of unity in the world.

According to Aria Heritage report, Seyyed Ezzatullah Zarghami, on Thursday, March 18th, at the conference “Wake Up of the East, the Flagbearer of Islamic Awakening”, which was held on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Seyyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi in the Culture and Islamic Guidance Hall of Asadabad City, he said: If we want to unite the world To reach and continue the path of Seyyed Jamal, we must first have unity among all the people of the country.

He added: Seyyed Jamal was a man who created unity among Muslims. The difference between Imam Rahal and Seyyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi is that Imam Rahal focused on the people for Islamic awakening and got results, but Seyyed Jamal focused on kings and sultans for Islamic awakening and at the end of his precious life he realized that part of his life He wasted himself because of this strategic error.

Zarghami pointed out that we have a jurist, just, manager and resourceful leader and this feature has made our position today more different than during Seyyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi’s era, and clarified: If we want to unite the world, we must first have unity ourselves and the speech, The reminder and warning and the complaint of the great leadership regarding the preservation of unity, itself indicates the preservation of this important principle.

He said: Unity has its requirements and it is not a slogan, and its requirements should be known and based on that, unity should be formed, and one should cut corners and see the expedients. Because reforms are important.

Emphasizing that the one who wants to create a transformation must endure all the hardships on this way and that the path of transformation is rocky and then becomes smooth, he reminded: If someone thinks that the path of transformation will always be paved for him. And they whistle and praise him, it is not like that and it will be completely false.

He stated that the Imam was ridiculed by many people for bringing about change, he was not looking for favoritism, he went to jail and was insulted. You have to spend on reputation for transformation, many people think that if they gain reputation for a few years, we should maintain this reputation and enjoy having this reputation for the rest of our lives. It’s not like that! We should spend this honor given by God in the way of God, while some are hoarders of honor.

Zarghami clarified: He who has been honored by God should not hoard his honor. He should spend his reputation for Islam. People with their reputation should come to the field where necessary, Maryam is an example of people who spent their reputation for God.

He continued: People like us, who God has given us a position and a position and a responsibility and have earned a reputation, are throwing abacus to spend this reputation to see how it will turn out? Will the fans disperse from around us by spending on reputation? And this is a clear example of speculation.

Zarghami reminded: people like Seyyed Jamal and Shahid Motahari have done reform and sanctity, and today we need sages and reformers, we must put aside heresies and pursue authentic Islam.

Emphasizing that there should be enlightenment and the society should seek unity around Islamic values ​​and around Islam that the leadership and Imam taught us, he said: We must have unity and first create unity in our society and then be a herald of unity in the world.

end of message/

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