Mobile and tabletScience and Technology

For the first time, 5G phones were sold more than 4G phones with the help of the iPhone

Smartphone sales have skyrocketed in the current era, and naturally in such a market the sales figure 5G phones It is increasing exponentially. For this purpose, according to the data provided, 51 Percentage The handsets sold in January supported the fifth generation of the communication network, and their sales were higher than the phones with 4G network for the first time.

Apple continues to lead the 5G market

According to the report Bloomberg, 51% of handsets sold in January support 5G network, which is a major milestone for this market. According to website research Counterpoint، Apple With a share of 37%, it has taken the first place in the market of 5G phones and after that Samsung With a 12% stake, it is chasing the Cupertinos.

Companies Xiaomi And ویوو Each with 11% of this market behind Samsung and اوپو It is also in fourth place with a 10% share of the 5G phone market.

Despite a not-so-stormy start, the 5G network is becoming the mainstay of many manufacturers’ products. Companies AT&T، تی‌موبایل And ورایزن They are trying to further expand 5G coverage by building telecommunication antennas. So it is not surprising that many of the new handsets on the market come with 5G support.

Another important point that Counterpoint mentions in its report is that the sales ratio of 5G smartphones in January 2022 finally for the first time It surpassed the number of 4G handsets sold in the world. China, North America and Western Europe have had the most impact on the growth of the market for these phones China In January alone, it accounted for 84% of 5G handset sales. North America And Western Europe They accounted for 73% and 76% of these sales, respectively.

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