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Get to know the best multivitamin for quitting addiction

Addiction often leads to malnutrition. It is not in vain that addiction has been called a scourge of women. The rate of addiction in the world is increasing every day and how to fight addiction is one of the major concerns of governments. The topic we are going to talk about in this article is the best multivitamin for quitting addiction. But do you even know why the use of multivitamin pills is recommended during the withdrawal period? Stay with us.

What we read in this article

The role of taking vitamins in quitting addiction

People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol often lose their appetite for food. This will lead to malnutrition and a lack of micronutrients, namely vitamins and minerals. Drug and alcohol use puts a lot of pressure on the addicted person’s detoxification system. To get rid of chemicals and toxins in the body, there must be enough vitamins and minerals in the body. Prolonged lack of nutrients in the body leads to poor health and sometimes to chronic diseases. According to the above, in the treatment of addiction, vitamins and minerals in the form of multivitamins are usually used.

Studies have shown that the use of multivitamins in the process of quitting addiction makes a person more successful in quitting addiction and experiences less annoying symptoms. The general health of the body will also increase.

What vitamins do addicted people lack?

Drug addicts often suffer from deficiencies of vitamins C, B6, B5, B1, B3, E and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. These nutrients are essential for the body and deficiency of any of them can cause health concerns. Therefore, when one is going to get rid of addiction, it seems necessary to consume these vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C is especially recommended during the recovery period from addiction because it is a natural antioxidant and helps reduce the painful symptoms of addiction.

Buy mineral multivitamins

Alcoholism is often associated with a deficiency of vitamin B1 or thiamine. This vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system and is also involved in digestion. In the body of alcoholics, the absorption of other vitamins such as A, D and E is often impaired. Vitamin A deficiency leads to liver damage, and vitamin D deficiency also reduces the body’s absorption of calcium and bone density.

Vitamins and minerals required during the withdrawal period

Before we introduce you to the best multivitamin for quitting addiction, we told you about the importance of consuming nutrients for the body’s health and reducing the symptoms of quitting addiction. If you do not intend to use a multivitamin, you can also take the following nutrients as a supplement:

Omega 3 capsules

Omega-3 fatty acids are easily found in foods such as fatty fish such as salmon as well as nuts. To maintain cardiovascular health, vision, skin and omega-3 fatty acids should be included in the diet. However, omega-3 pills can also be used to compensate for the lack of this nutrient in the body.

Vitamin D tablets

Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. This vitamin is one of the essentials for maintaining healthy bones. Vitamin D deficiency is seen in many people, including addicts. Vitamin D tablets can also be used to treat this deficiency.

Vitamin C tablets

Foods that contain vitamin C include: oranges, lemons, strawberries, broccoli, bell peppers, and… If you do not get enough fruits and vegetables in your diet, take vitamin C supplements. Of course, most people prefer to take vitamin C effervescent tablets. This vitamin has antioxidant properties and is involved in detoxification of the body.

Tablets B Complex

Many B vitamins are present in B-complex pills. By taking B vitamins, it may be possible to be more successful in curbing the urge to return to drugs. These vitamins also help with mental health.

Magnesium tablets

Taking magnesium pills reduces the effects of addiction and helps a person cope better with withdrawal symptoms. Men need 400 to 420 mg of magnesium daily and women 310 to 320 mg.

Zinc tablets

Especially if a person is addicted to alcohol, the likelihood of a decrease in the level of the mineral zinc (zinc) in the body increases. Good levels of zinc can be found in red meat and many other protein substances. Zinc tablets can also be a good option.

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Introducing multivitamin pills to quit addiction

In this section, we will introduce you to the multivitamins that contain most of the nutrients mentioned in the previous section. Please note that none of the items we cover are for addiction treatment and can be used by anyone if needed:

Omega H3 H3 Vitabiotics capsules

There is usually no omega-3 compound in multivitamins. But Vitabiotics omega H3 capsules are one of the few multivitamins containing omega 3. You should take 1 of these capsules daily with your meal. The advantages of not using artificial colors, preservatives, sugar, salt, yeast and starch in this product. There are 50 mg of omega 3 in each daily serving of this product. B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C and minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, selenium are other components of this capsule.

Omega H3 H3 Vitabiotics Capsules

Buy Vitabiotics omega H3 H3 capsules

You are an active health tablet

One of the most complete multivitamins that meets the body’s need for nutrients, especially during the period of quitting addiction, is the Active Health Active pill. This multivitamin also contains effective herbal ingredients such as ginseng and all people over the age of 12 can enjoy its benefits. Yeast, gluten, soy, preservatives, and artificial colors and flavors are not used in this pill. Coenzyme Q10 is also a component of this multivitamin and plays a vital role in the production of intracellular energy. This multivitamin is also recommended for vegetarians.

D-Active is the best multivitamin for quitting addiction

De Wit Active

Vitali Multi Complex Capsules

To help provide the vitamins and minerals in the body of people who are addicted, Vitalitun Multiplex Capsules can also be used as the best multivitamin for quitting addiction. This product is prepared in the form of soft gel and helps to strengthen the immune system and the proper functioning of the body’s organs. 2 of this soft gel should be used daily with meals. The health of bones and teeth in addicted people is generally endangered. This multivitamin can be used to improve bone and tooth problems.

Multivitamin Vital Ton

Multivitamin Vivation

Spectrum Nutrax daily multivitamin and mineral tablets

You can find 24 nutrients in this pill. Spectrum Nutrax daily multivitamin and mineral tablets help to supply vitamins and minerals in the body and are effective in strengthening joints and bones, strengthening skin, hair and nails, increasing heart health, proper muscle function and increasing metabolism. 1 tablet daily should be used with food. Note that the recommended dose should not be increased without consulting your doctor. In this case, usually no side effects will occur.

Spectrum Nutrax daily multivitamin and mineral tablets

Spectrum is the best multivitamin for quitting addiction

Nougat Pharmed Nutrabion Tablets

Nogen Pharmed Nutrabion tablets can also be used to help maintain a healthy body during the withdrawal period. 1 tablet daily should be used preferably after breakfast. In addition to vitamins and minerals, Korean ginseng is also used in this pill. The effective compounds that can be named in this pill are: B vitamins, vitamins C, D, E and A. Calcium, zinc and magnesium are also the most important minerals in this product.



Concluding remarks

In this article, we have introduced the best multivitamin for quitting addiction. Finally, we note that none of the multivitamins listed are specific to the addiction treatment period and can be used by anyone. In fact, we mentioned multivitamins that include the nutrients needed for the withdrawal period to help quit drugs more and make the person experience fewer side effects.

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