Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Getting to know the details of Qarzul Hosneh loan of Kashwarsi Bank in the form of “Ehsan Plan”

According to the financial news report, quoted by the public relations of the Agricultural Bank, all natural and legal persons can open an “Ehsan Deposit” account with a minimum amount of one million rials in the branches of the Agricultural Bank, after at least one month has passed since the deposit and without The need to freeze the funds in the account, according to the following tables, they can benefit from the loan facilities without fees or with a fee of 4%.

According to this report, the possibility of receiving facilities up to twice the average account and the possibility of repaying 12 to 36 months of installments are among the other features of “Ehsan Plan” of the Agricultural Bank.

This report adds: In order to satisfy customers, to help solve livelihood problems, and to accompany charitable people who intend to help others, in “Ihsan Project” it is possible to transfer deposit points by natural and legal persons to other people. .

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