cultural and artisticHeritage and Tourism

Gilani table share of tourism

Gilani table is world famous for its aroma, originality and health and Rasht is located in the network of creative cities and today it is being prepared to be presented in the field of domestic and foreign tourism, which requires proper planning and policy-making. Grilled white fish with Qatough bean, Haft to Bijar pickle (Bijar in Gilan means paddy field and farm), pickled garlic, white horseradish, cultivated olives and more than 250 well-known Gilani dishes in the foggy and rainy atmosphere of the north. But it should be noted that these cases are more than just food, because more than anywhere else in the vast Iran, Gilan is known for its delicious and colorful food, so that the Gilani table is part of the identity and culture of the people of this green land.

Of course, the elements of culture can be very different, but among all of them, food has more capacity and attraction, and nutrition geography is one of the most popular and lucrative goals in leading countries in the tourism industry today. It covers food science along with 6 other creative fields, including handicrafts, indigenous arts, media arts, film, design, literature and music, and Rasht joined the network in the field of food in 1994.

According to tourism experts, food is directly related to climate, and each geographical area brings a different type of nutrition due to its nature. Gilan also has the highest food diversity among the provinces of the country due to its rich and green nature.

Gilani table share of tourism

The table of Gilani grandmothers became world famous for its perfume, originality and health, and today it is being prepared to be presented in the field of domestic and foreign tourism.

Food tourism experts believe that now that the ground for the national registration of Gilan food and its globalization has been provided, this is an opportunity for food tourism in the province to be considered more than ever and in addition to attracting tourists, Gilani’s table will be spread worldwide.

The development of food tourism requires policy

Roshan Babaei, a professor in the field of tourism and a member of the Guilan Studies Research Institute of the University of Guilan, said: In 2015, Rasht joined the World Creative Cities Network and on January 3, 2019, this title was reiterated by UNESCO.

“Joining the UNESCO Network of Creative Cities is not something that happens to any city in the world, so instead of acting as an island, it can be a way to develop food tourism,” he said.

Gilani table share of tourism

The researcher in the field of food tourism added: “According to the commitments given to UNESCO, the subject of the food academy should be the establishment of the Gilan Food Museum, which was presented to the Program and Budget Organization in 1996, and the exchange of professors and students between creative food cities.” And also interaction and networking between UNESCO creative cities in the field of food, which unfortunately has not happened so far in Gilan.

Babaei said: “Municipalities all over the world are in charge of creative cities, and if city authorities, including city councils, accept the solutions of experts in this field, we can see better developments in tourism development and attracting food-based tourism.”

He continued: “For example, the city of Belem in Brazil has set up a global nutrition center, and Phuket, Thailand, in recent years has introduced culinary diplomacy that seeks to establish branches of Thai (Thai) food.

Asked what he has done for food tourism in Rasht, the tourism expert added: “Unfortunately, it should be said that nothing new and serious steps have been taken in this field yet.”

“We need serious and appropriate policy-making in this area, and we must first have a clear vision for policy-making, and then discuss the dimensions and decision-making,” he said.

According to Babaei, in the last few years, I have been invited to hold a food tourism conference in Rasht, Lahijan, Astara and Talesh for four periods in Gilan, and several workshops have been held in this field, but the benefit of these is only the familiarity of those who have Their job is to feed.

He continued: “What should have happened was that these restaurants were standardized in the fields of cuisine, customer satisfaction and complaint handling of restaurants, and based on the type of food they serve, whether seafood, green or organic. They were closed, but this did not happen and in Gilan there is no special menu for those who run restaurants to create a competitive advantage.

This researcher in the field of Gilan’s food continued: Rasht has been registered as a UNESCO creative city in the field of food since 1994, but three years later its positive consequences appeared and some foreign groups attended training workshops and cooked the native food of Gilan themselves. They experienced.

Gilani table share of tourism

Babaei said: “In the food tourism sector in the domestic area, pleasant events have taken place, so that restaurant owners pay more attention to the inclusion of local food in their food list than ever before, and some tourists travel to Gilan with the aim of experiencing food tourism.”

80% share of local food from the menu of Gilan restaurants

The Deputy Minister of Tourism of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Gilan also said in this regard: Before joining the creative city of UNESCO, the province paid attention to food tourism, so that 16 Gilan foods have been cooked so far, including Tian Halva Bijar and sour wash Langarud pilaf, belly eggplant, fried cheese, kalkbab, baklavaibij have been registered in the list of national monuments.

In an interview with IRNA, Hamidreza Azarpour added: “Gilan restaurants are required to include local food in their food list, and due to the welcome of tourists to Gilan local food, almost 80% of the food titles of the province’s prominent restaurants are Gilan food.”

He also continued: to attend the Dubai International Expo 2020, which is held to raise awareness about the challenges facing humanity on a global scale, Gilan has been assigned two titles, one of which is the local cuisine of Gilan because of joining The creative city of UNESCO and another is the globalization of tent weaving.

Azarpour said: “Cultural tourism has found many audiences over time and Gilan is one of the tourism hubs of the country, which attracts many cultural tourists every year due to its antiquity, background and creativity, and today food tourism has become one of the most popular attractions in Gilan.” Has been.

Gilani table share of tourism

As mentioned at the beginning, food can be considered one of the most important elements of culture and the table of Gilani grandmothers has made this lush region world famous due to its fragrance, originality and health of the rich culture of the people. Show off.

Regardless of the violence that human beings have inflicted on nature and Gilan has not been spared from this destruction, Gilan should still be seen in four seasons and enjoy the forest and rain, rice and rice, roaring rivers and primroses, swan and duck habitat, roaring day And the night felt the waves of the sea, the celebration of color in local costumes and the penetration of the taste of nature in local food and celebrations and rituals and thousands of attractions from design to design.

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