Good news for equity loan applicants/ loan payment without guarantor + video

According to Tejarat News, the credit card project manager of Central Depository Company received loan reported without guarantee.
Quoted from Young Journalist Club, Samia Mohammadi said: So far, more than 300,000 requests for smart verification of equity shares have been made through operating banks without visiting in person. The guarantee of these credit cards is based on equity and does not require a guarantor.
According to Mohammadi, applicants for a credit card can register and authenticate their identity by referring to the Comprehensive Customer Information System of the Capital Market (Sejam) and after the registration process is finalized in Sejam, they can register their verification request by referring to the National Bank of Iran software. do
In this plan, while keeping their valuable assets, shareholders can benefit from the benefits of shareholders such as dividends, capital increase and participation in assemblies.
As one of the executive pillars of the capital market, the Depository Company has been validating equity shares since March 2019.
To know how to get a loan with equity shares, read the following article.