
Good news for the survivors of domestic car registration/ you can register again

According to the online economy report, quoted by Isna, the action to dispute the integrated supply of imported cars by defining a proxy account in favor of the support and deposit organization and blocking the amount of 100 million tomans in the said account started from March 20 to 23, 1401.

After that, with the information received from the banks to the support organization, the applicants who had correctly taken the first step above, could take the second step by referring to the website of the Integrated Domestic Vehicle Allocation System and submit their request for the car. Register a comment.

But many of them were prevented from registering on the due date due to their mistake, especially in the matter of proxying the accounts in the name of (in favor of) the support organization or the heavy traffic of the system.

Due to the proximity of the initial registration time (defining proxy account and deposit) with Iran Khodro’s extraordinary sales plan suitable for the middle of Sha’ban, and of course it was announced that applicants can use one proxy account on condition of balance for two schemes (230 million Tomans) and in favor of organization to support their proxy account to participate in this project, despite all the notifications, some applicants still made a mistake and did not support their account for the benefit of the organization and thought that the same proxy account is sufficient for the benefit of Iran Khodro, but these people are from the eligible list. The conditions were removed and they could not reach the second stage.

In response to a question about the situation of people who did not support their proxy accounts for the benefit of the organization, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Security announced: Considering that the time of selling Iran Khodro was close to the plan of unified allocation of cars, some people thought that they could use the same proxy account. register and did not change it in favor of the support organization. This caused a problem and these people were removed.

On the other hand, a number of applicants had problems with their proxy accounts and failed to register, while others were unable to find their names due to the traffic load on the system site, with various messages and errors such as the mismatch of the national code and phone number. proxy account and… could not finalize their registration.

In this way, Omid Qalibaf, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Security, while giving explanations about the reasons for the disruption in the integrated domestic car supply system, apologized to the people who applied but could not complete their registration and stressed: We promise that until the last person who has a proxy account definition and blocked 100 million tomans, registration will be done.

It has also been possible for people who could not register in the car sales plan in the integrated system to try their luck once again for the cars that were not in high demand in this first release period at the end of June 1402.

In addition, considering cases such as the busyness of the system site between 26 and 29 March, when people who opened a proxy account in the name of the support organization within the deadline but failed to register by the deadline or the banks did not send their names to the system on time have not done so, on the 7th and 8th of April, the system will be activated and the registration of these people will be done, and the site will be reopened for the remaining registrations who are eligible.

Therefore, those who are eligible to register can go to Samane’s website at from the 7th to the 8th of April and apply for the desired car. By adding April 7th and 8th, the Ministry of Safety asks qualified applicants to calmly register their desired car on the mentioned days.

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