Google security measures to protect the privacy of Android users

The goal of the Google Privacy Sandbox project is to limit the amount of user information that advertisers can collect.
Apple Corps is now forcing app developers to ask permission before tracking users, according to ISNA. This Google news will be a blow to companies like Meta, which rely on putting their code in applications to track consumer behavior.
Meta announced this month that Apple’s privacy changes would cost the social networking company $ 10 billion this year. Google’s Android operating system is used by about 85% of smartphones worldwide.
Third-party cookies that use users’ browsing history to target them with ads will be removed from Google Chrome by 2023.
Google said in a blog post that it is now developing a “sandbox privacy” for Android applications and will work on solutions that restrict user data sharing and operate without extra-programmatic identifiers, including advertiser IDs. These identifiers are used to collect information by applications. Google has said it will keep them for at least two years, during which time it will work with the advertising industry on a new system. However, he did not explain his plan.
In April last year, Apple decided that app developers should obtain explicit permission from users to use the ID for advertisers. According to Flori Analytics, American users oppose tracking 96% of the time.
Google’s blog did not name Apple, but instead pointed to other platforms that take a different approach to advertising privacy and explicitly limit the technologies available to designers and advertisers. “We believe that such approaches could be ineffective without providing an alternative to privacy,” the company wrote.
According to the BBC, Google’s efforts to create alternatives to third-party cookies in the Chrome browser have not been easy. The company first proposed a system called Floc, which was not welcomed by privacy activists and advertisers. The purpose of this system was to hide the individual identity of users by linking them to a group with similar web browsing history.