
Government order support for the stock exchange / Signal of the head of the stock exchange organization and the Minister of Economy for the stock exchange

According to Tejarat News, yesterday the index recorded a drop of 35,000 units in its record and now today in the first half of the transactions, it has recorded a growth of 18,000 units and most of the symbols have changed their position from the sales queue to the buying queue.

6 This morning, the Minister of Economy met with the capital market legal entities. The main topic of this meeting was the legal protection of the market, and Khandouzi implicitly said in this meeting: the sale of government bonds on the stock exchange will be temporarily stopped.

Majid Eshghi, the head of the stock exchange organization, said in a TV program today: “Ordering pricing in the stock market has reached its lowest possible level and the main culprit of the market decline in recent days has not been the government, because the government uses other sources to cover its budget deficit.” Capital market uses.

In another part of his conversation, Eshghi said: “In the last 40 days, the government has not issued any securities and it is not the main cause of the decline in the bond sales index.” The head of the stock exchange organization also promised today that the index will be green.

Javad Fallahian, a capital market expert, told Tejarat News about the impact of these two meetings in today’s market: Rouhani’s government sold about 50,000 billion tomans of securities in 5 months and the main government has sold 60,000 billion tomans of securities in just two months. It should be noted that the impact of selling securities in the fast market is not clear.

In another part, Fallahian said: the head of the stock exchange organization says that the government has not sold any securities in the last 40 days, while on Saturday alone (November 29) it has sold about two thousand billion Islamic securities.

Fallahian says it is true that the p / e of most stocks has fallen and the market is in value, but the volume of bond sales has been so high that there is currently no money to inject into the market to reverse the negative trend.

The market expert continued: “Positioning the market today is an order.” In today’s meeting of the Minister of Economy with the capital market activists, the support of the stock exchange was discussed. We hope that the stock purchase will not be intermittent and that the support will continue.

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