Banking and insuranceEconomical

“Hadi Heydari” became the director of risk and economic studies of the Entrepreneur Bank

According to the financial news report According to the public relations of Entrepreneur Bank, in the presence of CEO Ahmed Baharondi, Mohammad Reza Khorsandi and Masoud Sharifat, members of the board of directors, Sohrab Sadeghi, vice president of banking affairs and associates of risk management and economic studies of Bank Entrepreneur, Hadi Heidari’s introduction meeting was held as risk management and economic studies. became.

Ahmad Baharundi, CEO of Entrepreneur Bank, in this ceremony, referring to the importance of risk management and economic studies unit, said: This unit is one of the most important departments for every bank and of course the economy. The studies and researches of this unit are important for the country’s economy in addition to banks and should be Compliance with the rules and regulations within the organization should be concerned with the excellence of the organization and the country.

Baharundi further stated: Today, the country’s economy needs human capital, and what can build the country’s economy and its future is the expert human capital and, of course, management stability. Looking at the economy from the past to the present shows that what can make economic impulses pass is the stability of economic managers.

The CEO of the Entrepreneur Bank also added: The change of managers in the upper ranks causes the instability of decision-making and implementation. With the arrival and departure of each manager, the decision-making process changes, and sometimes contradictory decisions are made in advance and implemented. This is the reason why the economy does not stabilize and we see the accumulation of wrong decisions in the economy.

Emphasizing that in the end, the economy is the inheritor of the contradiction in decision-making, he said: the economy needs stable decision-making along with expert human capital, because we are all people that the country has invested in us and we must seek lessons. We should learn from the experiences and mistakes of others, and not repeat them.

Referring to the procedure of some decisions in other countries and comparing it with the current conditions of the economy, Baharundi said: “Unfortunately, currently, some decisions that face the economy with many shocks are announced and implemented unilaterally.” without doing expert work.

The CEO of the Entrepreneur Bank asked the risk management to help the economy by studying various issues that have a significant impact on people’s lives and the economy.

Hadi Heydari; He has a doctorate in economic sciences and previously worked at the Monetary and Banking Research Institute.

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