Hakim: The war in Ukraine caused the decline of Europe’s position in the international system

According to Fars News Agency’s International Group, international affairs expert “Hamid Hakim” referring to the weakening of unity in the European Union in an interview with a Fars reporter, said: The philosophy of forming the European Union was to create convergence and unity among these countries. The European Union was created with the aim of becoming a power against the United States. This issue was never desirable from the point of view of the Americans.
He added: America has never welcomed the strengthening of relations between European countries. Instead, every issue that disrupts the unity of European countries has been welcomed by America. Americans believe that Europe’s power should not exceed a certain limit. The war in Ukraine is a clear example of this kind of view of the Americans. This issue has received less attention in European circles due to some considerations in the relations between Europe and America. Other topics are included under this topic.
This university professor emphasized: The most important benefit that America gained from the war in Ukraine was the damage to European unity. The attrition and prolongation of this war is in the interest of the Americans. On the other hand, America tried to reduce Russia’s dominance, influence and power in the surrounding environment of that country. This is the implementation of the theory of Brzezinski, former US national security advisor. Brzezinski once suggested that the peripheral areas of the former Soviet Union and Russia are important for the United States. The peripheral areas of the former Soviet Union, including Eastern Europe and even southern Soviet countries such as Iran, were important for the United States to limit the Soviet Union. When the former Soviet Union collapsed, the Soviet periphery became the Russian periphery. Some of these countries include Ukraine, Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan and all the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Hakim further added: According to the Brzezinski doctrine, in addition to reducing Russia’s influence in these regions, the United States of America should also increase its acting power in Russia’s peripheral environment. Accordingly, the war in Ukraine is a clear example of the implementation of this doctrine by the Americans. This American policy does not only reduce Russia’s power in its surrounding environment, but also affects Russia’s relations with other countries in the world.
He said: In addition to the costs incurred by Russia in this war, huge costs have also been incurred by European countries. These two issues are ultimately in the interest of America. In this war, the United States showed that the interests of this country are prioritized over its allies. In other words, America prefers its own interests to the collective interests of its allies. This was perhaps the first cost that Europe suffered in this war.
Referring to the history of Europe’s cooperation with America since World War II, this university professor said: “Historical cases have shown that Europe’s cooperation with America has always cost European countries.” Europe has been seeking to improve its position in the world. But the war in Ukraine caused the decline of Europe’s position in the international system. While the issue of energy is very important for the European Union, perhaps the most insignificant issue for this union is related to the war in Ukraine.
In the end, referring to the results of the war in Ukraine for the Europeans, he reminded: the reduction of synergy or synergy, the reduction of unity among European countries, along with security issues, were the most important results of the war in Ukraine for the European countries. When Europe declines in the political field, security challenges will also appear. In fact, the impact of politics in the field of security should be examined. Another consequence of this war for Europeans is the challenge in social and cultural issues. Also, Europe’s view of America is still “taking a free ride” from the United States. According to Europeans, America is a country that has a higher power than other countries in the military, economic and political fields. Based on this kind of view, Europeans try to keep up with Americans. According to the macro policies and approaches that exist in Europe, this union considers America to be more aligned with itself than other poles in the world.
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