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Hamadan winter tourism boom with snow volleyball festival

The first snow volleyball championship of the country is scheduled to be held on the 23rd of this month, hosted by Hamedan in Ganjnameh recreational tourist village, which will witness the participation of more than a hundred volleyball players. Snow volleyball is a winter team sport that is divided by 2 teams of three players on the snow field, which is played with a tour, and therefore, holding this important national event can after years, the frozen winter of Hamedan tourism in the field of sports. To melt in the heat of the competition of the best volleyball players in the country.

Although the snow volleyball competitions were once held in the form of a tournament in 2017, hosted by the International Ski Design Track, but now, with the creation of an official structure in the Volleyball Federation, we are going to witness the country’s first championship hosted by Hamedan.

Europe tour

Although hosting this event entails a high cost for Hamedan volleyball, the participation of private sector sponsors has made this province have no problem in providing the costs.

Holding competitions in Ganj Nameh recreational tourist village, as one of the most beautiful mountain and tourist spots in the country, has encouraged the participation of many provinces in these competitions.

Ganjnameh village, which has always been one of the supporters of the private sector in hosting and holding sports events and programs in Hamedan province at the national and international level, this time will also host one of the new and attractive sports in the field of volleyball.

The vast space of this village has made this place ready to become a permanent camp for competitions and host national team camps by creating 2 snow volleyball training and competition fields.

Ganj Nameh village complex with accommodation suites, health road and wide space for aerobic exercises and physical fitness, besides creating this snow volleyball field, it can be a good ground for national team camps.

Hamedan is talented in snow volleyball

The head of the Hamedan province volleyball team said: “Snow volleyball” has been launched and activated for the first time in this province, and we believe that with mid-term and long-term planning, we can become the champion of this sport.

“Hamid Badami Nejat” stated: According to the decision of the World Federation to hold volleyball competitions on snow in the 2024 Olympics, this sport has been launched in the country and we have also established it in Hamedan.

According to the decision of the World Federation to hold volleyball competitions on snow in the 2024 Olympics, this sport has been launched in the country and we have also established it in Hamedan.

He added: Hamadan is one of the cold and snowy provinces of the country, which has the right ground and capacity for the creation and development of this sport in the province.

Badami Nejat pointed out: With elite sports talents, we can turn Hamedan province into one of the main poles of snow volleyball in the country, and to achieve this goal, the necessary infrastructure and facilities must be created in the center of the province and its subordinate cities.

He pointed out: Hamedan, with its mountainous and cold climate, is always full of snow in the second half of the year, and we have created the best conditions for the development of snow volleyball, especially on the slopes of the mountain, and we will use this capacity to the fullest.

Turning Hamedan into a camp for national teams

The head of the Hamedan volleyball team continued: Considering the very good capacity in the development of winter sports in Hamedan, we are looking to establish the country’s first national snow volleyball team camp in Hamedan.

Badami Nejat added: Elvand slopes, especially Mishan plain, have the necessary infrastructure to create a snow volleyball court, while the good facilities of Ganjnameh tourist village, including well-equipped accommodation suites and cable cars, create good conditions for turning this area into a permanent camp for national teams. has done.

He continued: Necessary studies have been done for the location to create snow volleyball infrastructure and we will take the necessary action soon.
Badami Nejat noted: The Snow Volleyball Committee of the Federation has also planned to create this sport and in this regard, we will also host the national championship in Hamedan.

He added: These fights will be held from 23rd to 25th of February this year at the same time as the winter festival of Hamedan province, hosted by Ganjnameh village.

Snow volleyball championship of the country will be held from 23rd to 25th of February this year at the same time as the winter festival of Hamadan province, hosted by Ganjnameh village.

The head of the Hamedan volleyball team stated: We are looking for permanent hosting of this important national event in Hamedan, and we have made the necessary consultations to include the date of the tournament on an annual basis in the calendar of the volleyball federation.

He said: We have sent the invitation to hold the national championships to all the provinces, while we are trying to broadcast these competitions directly on the sports network.

Badami Nejat continued: We have formed various committees for better coordination in the proper hosting of the country’s snow volleyball championship and we are seeking help from all capacities in holding these competitions magnificently.

Comprehensive support in the development of snow volleyball

Hamedan Youth and Sports Director General said: “Volleyball is one of the successful teams of the sports system, which has grown significantly in various sectors in the past years, especially in the last one year, and now we will have all-round support with the launch of the snow volleyball field.”

Ali Haghighi added: Revival of winter sports is one of the main approaches of the management of the sports system. In the first step, we have activated the Tarikdare ski resort regularly after years of indecision, and now we have the necessary support for the fledgling field of snow volleyball.

He added: Hosting the country’s snow volleyball championship will definitely bring great achievements for Hamadan province and we are looking for a worthy organization of this national event.

Haghigi emphasized that sports teams should plan in the development of the tourism industry and said: hosting national events is one of the most important and effective programs in the development of sports tourism.

He continued: Hamadan is one of the provinces with the potential for the development of the tourism industry, due to the very favorable sports infrastructure in addition to the tourist attractions.

The Director General of Sports and Youth of Hamedan noted: Considering the potential capacities of winter sports, we are ready to host any national and even transnational events, and federations are expected to pay due attention to this province.

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