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Health tourism, an income-generating industry of the new millennium/liberating tourism from traditional economic boundaries

According to the social reporter of Moj news agency, tourism industry Today, health plays a very important role in the economy of destination countries. This industry has become one of the most extensive industries in the world by taking advantage of its flexible capacities in the fields of tourism treatment, human resources, culture, politics, entrepreneurship, etc.

For this reason, in recent years, in the course of the policies of the leading countries in the international trade of health services, it has been pushed towards supporting the capacities of health tourism, including the real support of the private sector and entrepreneurial people.

In the list of factors influencing the choice of a treatment destination for foreign patients, important indicators such as transparency, attractive insurance prices, positive attitude towards that country, security, professional treatment staff and appropriate accommodation services are mentioned, which are considered by health tourism companies and hospitals according to these basic criteria. Along with the strict observance and implementation of global guidelines, it leads to the attraction of patients and the growth of the related business.

Global statistics consider the tourism industry as the second most profitable industry in the world, and the health sector is the third most profitable market in the world. All the countries claiming and having a position in the global health tourism market are also trying to allocate a larger share of the market by prioritizing their indicators, and they are among the more successful countries that, in addition to complying with the above, can implement and follow up professional advertising systems and To remain attractive in the field of competition and to be distinguished from other competitors in terms of providing tourism and medical services and quality, and all matters pass through the channel of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in health tourism.

According to experts, the share of health tourism in the number of tourists is 10%, and the remaining 90% is allocated to other areas such as markets, hotels, catering centers.

Research is necessary for the development of health tourism

Mehdi Ghasemi, a tourism expert, says that in any industry, including health tourism, the old ways do not always lead to new results, and for a lasting presence in the domestic and foreign markets of medical services and increasing the attraction of foreign patients to research and applied research in all fields related to this The industry is needed, he said: the activists of this industry must continuously update themselves in terms of science, equipment, advertising and management in order not to lag behind powerful foreign competitors.

He further stated: In the world of health and medical tourism with the presence of dozens of strong companies and hospitals with hardware, software, financial and some governmental support, only groups can have a successful and profitable presence with detailed research and analysis and accurate understanding of behavior. and the needs of all kinds of foreign patients to create a distinction for themselves and them and take a step in the direction of branding, profitability and development.

Strategic industrial health tourism

Emphasizing that health tourism is a strategic industry, this tourism expert stated: In order to succeed in health tourism, it is necessary to simultaneously implement management techniques in combination with university teachings on health tourism and therapy.

He added: Today, due to the important role of all types of start-up businesses in the development and economic progress of countries in various fields, the attractive concept of entrepreneurship has found a special and distinct place in the modern world. Regardless of all kinds of definitions and categories about the concept and conditions of entrepreneurship, at first glance, entrepreneurs are people who find solutions to meet the needs and questions of the audience by researching and examining various markets, and in addition to providing expected services or goods. and pleasing their customers and creating a sense of satisfaction and progress, they also enjoy its economic benefits.


Health tourism and therapeutic tourism

Regarding health tourism and medical tourism, Ghasemi said: Although according to the World Health Organization, there is no single definition for health tourism, it can be defined as the extensive travel of people from their place of residence for health, which includes various demographic, economic and lifestyle factors. Life affects this type of tourism.

He further stated: Health tourism includes people and groups who travel to take advantage of climate change and use mineral waters, to undergo recovery and treatment. Health tourism is the type of tourism that is related to health and therapeutic activities and is of interest to tourism that focuses on the healing properties of natural resources.

The role of tourism in the economy

Enumerating the types of tourism and their role in economic development, this expert explained: Health tourism is an interesting topic, although it is more appropriate to call it as health travel. Wellness tourism means traveling to healthy villages and areas with mineral water springs and spas to get rid of the daily stresses of life and to rejuvenate without medical intervention and supervision, and in cases where the tourist does not have a specific physical illness, it is called wellness tourism.

He further said: Medical tourism, traveling to use natural healing resources to treat certain diseases by spending a period of recovery under medical supervision and intervention is called medical tourism. Also, medical tourism is travel for the purpose of treating physical diseases or performing various types of injury operations under the supervision of doctors in hospitals and medical centers. In this type of health tourism, the patient may need to use spaces and services Circulation is therapeutic. In many definitions, in short, medical tourism is travel for treatment using some natural elements along with recreation and improvement of some physical disorders such as skin, joint and respiratory diseases or for the purpose of rest and rejuvenation with natural healing resources such as salt lakes and Hot and therapeutic radioactive sands, etc. are used.

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