Historical hills are the narrator of the identity and civilization of North Khorasan

According to Aria Heritage report, citing the public relations of the General Department of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of North Khorasan, Ali Mostofian stated on August 26, 1401: “This visit was made with the governor of Maneh and Samalghan, the mayor of Pish Qala and the head of the cultural heritage department of Maneh and Samalghan.”
Director General of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of North Khorasan added: “North Khorasan, with its ancient historical background, has many historical sites and hills, which need to be protected by everyone based on public awareness in order to remain safe and protected from any harm.”
Mostofian noted: “Both the government and the people should appreciate these assets and not ignore them with indifference; Because future generations need these works to know their identity.”
He continued: “The area of Aqtepe is located 2 kilometers south of Pish Qala in Maneh and Samalghan counties, which is named by this name in the local language because of its white soil.”
Director General of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of North Khorasan said: “This historical hill is registered with number 23184 in the list of national monuments of the country.”