Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Holding a student day commemoration ceremony at D. Insurance Company

According to the report of the financial news, citing the public relations and international affairs of Day Insurance, this company, based on its vision, which is a pleasant customer experience, and in line with the operational plan and honoring its policyholders, regarding the conclusion and implementation of the supplementary treatment contract with Azad University. During a ceremony, Islami honored ten of its insured students who were in favorable conditions in terms of health standards and insurance indicators by presenting gifts.

In this event, Nazar Ali Salahinejad, the Deputy Director of Insurance Day, while congratulating students on the day and the effects of this dynamic group on economic and social developments, pointed out the comparison of global indicators of the insurance industry with Iran and said: more attention and effort should be paid to increase the penetration rate of insurance. It should take place in the society and this important thing cannot be achieved except by creating culture. He added: Day Insurance always tries to play its part in the development and promotion of insurance culture and in this regard, it appears actively and effectively.

Emphasizing the shortcomings of research in the field of insurance as well as the lack of skilled and specialized human resources in the body of this industry, Salahinjad expressed hope: young students and educated people have considered the insurance industry in their career horizon and by entering this field, transformation and excellence of this industry.

In this meeting, Mr. Aghaei, Director General of Administrative Affairs and Human Resources of Islamic Azad University, while congratulating on the occasion of Student’s Day, said: Any society that succeeds in reducing the risk factor in various areas will enjoy more security and prosperity, and what , insurance companies do is in the same direction.

Pointing out that different levels of Di Insurance Company, from senior managers to other employees of this group, have university education and some of them are also teaching in the country’s universities, he said: Di Bimah is familiar with the academic stratum and elites of the needs of this society. , has caused a constructive interaction between this company and the Islamic Azad University and has led to satisfaction on both sides of the insured and the insured.

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