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Homemade and homemade protein compounds

In the process of cheese production, milk produces a valuable and nutritious product called “his protein”. His protein is whey, which has several times the properties of milk and can be considered as the most popular and best-selling bodybuilding supplement. If you want to learn how to prepare his protein and easily make it at home with your own hands, join us at the end of this article. With the protein powder you make yourself, you no longer have to worry about the quality and originality of the supplements available on the market. Of course, if you are looking for a reputable center to buy sports supplements, be sure to choose a pharmacy so that you can rest assured that the product is original.

What we read in this article

Benefits of consuming his protein

Milk has two types of proteins called casein and he and they can be easily separated. Whey protein is made up of essential amino acids for the body and also contains some lactose. His protein consumers are mostly athletes who want to have lean muscle mass. The most important benefits of his protein can be summarized as follows:

  • Increase muscle growth and jam
  • Helps burn fat and thus lose weight
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Diabetes control
  • Reduce inflammation in the body

One of the biggest advantages of his protein is its easy digestibility and high absorption. So that in the short term, the results of its consumption can be clearly seen. The price of his protein is determined by whether it is Iranian or foreign, its type and ingredients. But by making homemade protein, you can definitely save a lot of money.

Ingredients for making homemade whey protein with milk

You need the following ingredients to make your homemade protein:

  • 1 gallon of milk (3.8 liters)
  • 5 tablespoons lemon
  • strainer
  • Dehydrator (if available)

How to make homemade whey protein

After preparing the above ingredients, follow the steps below:

Heat the milk

Pour the milk into a large saucepan and heat it to a temperature of 83 degrees Celsius. You can use a thermometer for this purpose. But if you do not have a thermometer, wait for the milk to start boiling because it boils at 83 degrees. So you definitely do not need a thermometer.

Add lemon juice

Add 75 ml of sour lemon juice, which is equivalent to 5 tablespoons, to the milk in the pot. If you do not have lemon juice, you can use white vinegar instead. In the end, there will not be much difference in terms of taste.

Turn off the heat for 20 minutes

Leave the ingredients for 20 minutes without heating. It is better to cover the lid of the pot tightly so that nothing falls into it. At this stage, his protein and other nutrients are slowly separated.

Pass the material through a strainer

At this stage of making homemade whey protein, you have to pass the contents of the pot through a cheese strainer or cheesecloth. The fresh cheese obtained does not pass through the strainer and the liquid part passes through the strainer easily. Pour the resulting liquid into a large pitcher or glass and place in the refrigerator.

Homemade protein

Let the whey (his protein) dry

Put the bowl and strainer in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours to drain the whey. Putting these materials in the refrigerator will also prevent them from spoiling.

Use a dehydrator

At this stage, it is better to have a dehydrator device so that you can do your job easily. The liquid V protein should be left in the dehydrator for about 12 hours at 135 degrees Fahrenheit (58 degrees Celsius). But note that different devices are different and the agenda may be different. You can easily dry his protein in the dehydrator.

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If you do not have a dehydrator, you can pour the whey into a saucepan and heat it to a boil. Then reduce the heat to a simmer. Continue to heat until the ingredients are thick and smooth. Then pour the ingredients on a tray covered with greaseproof paper. Allow the ingredients to cool. Then break them into small pieces and let them dry for about 24 hours.

Pour the dried whey into the blender

Pour the resulting ingredients into a blender to become a powder. If you have dried the whey by hand without a machine, it may still be wet after pouring into the blender. So let the ingredients dry for another 24 hours and pour them into the blender again.

Store protein powder in a container with a lid

The last step in making homemade whey protein is to pour the resulting dried powder into a glass jar and store it.

How to prepare his homemade protein with yogurt

Follow the steps below to make homemade whey protein from yogurt:

1- Put the cheese cloth on the drain and put the drain in a bowl.

2- Choose yogurt that is organic and tasteless. Then pour it into the drain.

3- Put the bowl in the refrigerator and let the liquid separate from the yogurt. This may take up to 24 hours.

4- Pour the collected whey in a pitcher and let the solids remain in the whey cloth.

5- In this step of preparing homemade whey protein, put whey in the dehydrator device. If you do not have this device, heat the collected whey to a boil. Let it simmer until thick. Then transfer it to a tray lined with greaseproof paper and allow to cool. Divide the ingredients into smaller pieces and wait 24 hours for them to dry.

6- Powder the resulting ingredients in a blender.

7- Pour the dried whey in a glass container and use it whenever you want.

Prepare his protein with yogurt

Flavoring his homemade protein

His protein supplements will be more popular if they are flavorful. Use the following methods to flavor his protein powder at home:

3 packets of stevia should be added to 210 grams of his protein powder. Stevia is a non-nutritive sweetener that has no calories. After adding stevia, you should choose one of the following flavors:

  • Vanilla flavor: Add a tablespoon of vanilla powder to the prepared powder. If you like the taste of cinnamon, you can add a tablespoon and a half of ground cinnamon powder along with vanilla.
  • Chocolate: For chocolate flavor, you can use cocoa powder. In this case, add 25 grams of cocoa powder to his homemade protein powder. If you add 3 grams of espresso to this powder, it will have a pleasant taste.

The nutritional value of his protein

We explained to you how to prepare his homemade protein with yogurt and cheese. The nutritional value of his protein depends on the type and method of its preparation, but in general, 1 scoop of his protein (about 20 grams) has the following nutritional value:

  • Calories: 75
  • Fat: 1 gram
  • Sodium: 75 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 3.5 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 1 gram
  • Protein: 13 grams

Vitamins and minerals are usually added to protein powders on the market. 1 tablespoon of his protein also contains about 50 mg of calcium.

Concluding remarks

How to make his homemade protein is not so difficult. Give it a try and enjoy the high nutritional value of this type of protein at a very low cost. His protein is highly absorbed and easily absorbed. Even for children, you can use whey protein and get high amounts of protein to their body.

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