Housing deposit loan for tenants was 200 million tomans / Ambiguity in the source of credit

Today, the Islamic Council agreed to increase the housing deposit loan. In this way, the housing loan ceiling in Tehran reached 200 million tomans. Although the implementation of this resolution depends on the approval of the Supreme Housing Council and the provision of resources in banks!
According to Tejarat News, it was just a few days ago that the head of the housing economics office said about the limited resources of banks to finance housing loans and deposits. Now, the members of parliament have agreed to increase the amount of the mortgage loan.
Based on this, the Central Bank is obliged to pay through the operating banks if approved by the Supreme Housing Council Housing deposit loan for tenants 1402 By appointing the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development and the Ministry of Cooperatives, start work and social welfare. According to this resolution, the new ceiling for the housing deposit facility will be 200 million tomans in Tehran, 150 million tomans in provincial centers, and 100 million tomans in other cities.
On the other hand, today the representative of the people of Tabriz in the parliament proposed to grant a housing deposit loan of up to 40 million tomans for the villagers, which faced the approval of the government and the opposition of the construction committee of the parliament, but it was finally approved by the representatives.
Lack of financial resources of banks
Recently, the head of the housing economics office stated that due to the current limitation of the banks’ resources, there is currently a plan for Increase in loan and deposit of tenants 1402 Does not exist.
So far, despite the approval of this plan, no specific source for financing it has been announced, and it seems that increasing the amount of the loan may face a serious obstacle of lack of credit in the next stages.
Who can get a housing deposit loan?
Although the increase in the amount of the housing deposit loan has only been approved in the parliament and has not yet been implemented, it is possible to receive this loan in the previous amounts; However, receiving a housing deposit loan requires certain conditions for the applicants, and not all tenants are able to receive it.
Depositing 66 thousand billion tomans to the National Housing Movement project
The applicant for the rental facility must first be married or the head of the household; However, unmarried women over 35 years old and unmarried men over 45 years old can apply for it based on certain conditions.
Also, the lease provided by the housing loan and deposit applicant must be officially prepared or registered in the Iran Real Estate system and have a tracking code. Another condition for receiving a housing deposit loan is that the date of the provided lease is determined by the end of the housing deposit loan registration period.
Last year, the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development announced that in order to approve the registration of the applicant to receive a house rental loan in 1402, it is necessary that the personal rental contract be concluded by the end of the registration period for the loan and housing deposit. Therefore, if the time of conclusion of the rental agreement provided is after this time period, the applicant will not be eligible to register for the housing deposit loan of 1402 tenants.
How to register for a mortgage loan?
In order to receive and register the 1402 housing deposit loan for tenants, it is necessary to first meet the conditions for registering this loan in the first and second stages and then complete the steps in the housing deposit loan registration system at the internet address tem.mrud.ir.
To register for housing deposit loans, tenants must first enter the site tem.mrud.ir, then select the deposit assistance facility registration option. The follow-up of housing loan and deposit in the second stage is also done through the same address.
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In the next step, applicants read the rules and regulations related to the deposit assistance facility, and if they wish, they can enter their personal information on the next pages. Now we have to see what are the conditions set for the applicants, in the position of the main pillar of benefiting from the 1402 housing deposit loan?
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