
Housing price in Ahvaz / 21 million Tomans per meter house in expensive areas of Ahvaz

According to Tejarat News, the average price of a residential apartment for 2 to 5 years in the last 10 days of the Divar site in the Pardis neighborhood of Ahvaz has been recorded at 5.9 million Tomans, which are among the cheapest areas of Ahvaz with a price of 6.3 million Tomans next to Mahdis Alley.

Kianshahr with an average price of 9 million Tomans from other areas of Ahvaz has been in the wall ads. Bahonar with an average price of 10 million Tomans and Golestan neighborhood with 11.5 million Tomans have been registered on the Divar website.
Kianabad and Zaytoun Karmandi neighborhoods with an average price of 16 million Tomans next to Kianpars neighborhood with an average price of 21.8 million Tomans are among the expensive areas of Ahvaz to buy residential apartments.

It is noteworthy that the most expensive neighborhood of Ahvaz has been registered to buy a house with an average price of 21.8 million Tomans, but in cities such as Shiraz and Karaj it is 30 million Tomans in the canal. East Qudusi with an average price of 24 million Tomans, along with West Qudusi with an average price of 30 million Tomans, are from expensive areas of Shiraz to buy residential apartments.

To compare prices, how much is the apartment price report in Shiraz? it is suggested.

What is the value of a billion dollar loan in 1415?

The average price per square meter of housing in Tehran is about 31 million tomans, so with one billion tomans now, 32 meters of houses can be bought in cheap areas of Tehran. But the question that arises is that with the average inflation that exists in the country, how much will this loan amount be in 1415 and how many meters of apartments can be bought?

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