
How can tenants complain about rent increases?

According to Tejarat News, what is the system for registering tenants’ complaints about rent increases?

Quoted from Irena“Rostam Ghasemi” in the coordination meeting with organizations and guilds and real estate consultants to follow up on the implementation of the policy package approved in the meeting of the heads of powers regarding the rental market, said: Considering the current conditions in the housing rental market in the country, a follow-up meeting on the implementation of the approvals was held. has been and will continue.

He added: We intend to be able to control the housing market with these instructions and laws that have been received and communicated from the policy package approved in the meeting of the heads of powers and the approval of the Council of Ministers and the country’s market regulation headquarters.

The member of the cabinet of the 13th government regarding the implementation of the policy package approved in the meeting of the heads of forces in the meetings held with the Tehran municipality as well as trade unions and other stakeholders, said: the policy package has been approved and communicated and everyone is obliged to implement the resolution. .

This resolution has precisely determined the maximum increase in the rent ceiling, which is 25% in Tehran and other big cities and 20% in other cities.

Ghasemi stated: We are honestly grateful to all the country’s landlords who cooperated and are cooperating.

Requesting consultants to install the approval of the heads of the forces

He assessed the actions of some of the real estate consultants’ union as appropriate in complying with the decision of the heads of the powers and said: We request the real estate consultants to announce the policy package approved in the meeting of the heads of the powers in the offices of the real estate consultants and draw up a contract based on that. So that the policy package approved in the meeting of the heads of forces is properly implemented and operational.

The Minister of Roads and Urban Development announced: It is possible to register complaints regarding the amount of rent increase based on the announced approvals in the 124 system.

Ghasemi reminded: Government punishments will follow up on these complaints and the possibility of identifying the units that do not comply with the approvals of the rent rate increase ceiling has been provided in the systems of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.

He said: To regulate the housing market and rent, the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development will use planned or intrusive inspections throughout the country in cooperation with regulatory agencies.

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