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How does cleansing the skin make the face fresh?

Cleansing the skin means removing dead cells, impurities and excess fat from the skin. To clean the skin, you can do it yourself at home or in beauty clinics or under the supervision of a specialist doctor to take an effective step in maintaining the health of your skin. In this article, we will provide you with more information about why beauty experts recommend skin cleansing.

What is skin cleansing?

Cleansing the face is an important part of the skin routine, with the help of which dead cells, pollution, excess fat and makeup residues are removed from the skin. During facial cleansing, the skin pores are opened and the top cells of the skin are exfoliated. Incense and facial massage are also part of the skin cleansing steps that improve blood supply to the skin. In the last step, a moisturizer is definitely used to keep the skin soft and supple.

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Benefits of cleansing the skin

There are sebaceous glands in the human skin that are responsible for the secretion of sebum. The natural fats of the skin help to keep the skin moist and deal with the dryness of the skin and the problems caused by it. If the secretion of fat on the skin is more than usual and the fats are mixed with dust and environmental pollution and the remains of cosmetics on the skin, the pores of the skin are closed and the skin loses its transparency and shine and looks dull. To prevent this problem, the skin should be cleaned regularly.

The benefits of skin cleansing are:

  • Removing dead cells from the surface of the skin and helping to make the skin clear and fresh
  • Cleansing the skin of any excess oil and pollution
  • Hydrating and nourishing the skin
  • Prevent pimples and stains
  • Skin stimulation for collagen production
  • Being relaxing

Facial cleansing at home

In fact, facial cleansing helps new cells to replace dead skin cells, and as a result, a person has fresher skin with a more beautiful effect. In addition to cleaning, if you want to prevent wrinkles on the skin, you can take collagen pills. Click here for more information on what collagen is.

Who needs skin cleansing? People who have very dry skin, spots or freckles can be seen on their skin, and they have many wrinkles around their eyes.

Skin cleansing at home

If you want to clean your face at home, you should know that this method only cleans the surface of the skin. There are many different methods for cleaning the face at home, one of the most common of which is done according to the following steps:

  • Clean the face with a suitable cleanser
  • Use toner to clean the skin
  • Facial massage and face incense
  • Removing blackheads and whiteheads
  • Use a face mask
  • Apply moisturizer or moisturizer to the skin

Cleansing the face in a barbershop

Facial cleansing in a hairdressing salon is deeper than what you can do at home, but it still cannot be as effective as the cleansing you do in a doctor’s office under the supervision of a specialist. One of the skin cleansing methods in hairdressing salons is the facial, which is performed according to the following steps:

  • Use a skin cleanser to remove excess oil and impurities
  • Using chemical peels or scrubs to remove dead skin cells
  • Extracting blackheads and whiteheads using special tools or by hand
  • Skin massage for more blood supply to the skin
  • Use a suitable mask
  • Hydrating the skin using a moisturizer (according to the individual’s skin type)

Cleansing the face in a barber shop

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Professional skin cleansing

If you want to clean your face professionally, you must go to a beauty clinic and do it under the supervision of a doctor. The steps of cleaning the skin under the supervision of a doctor usually include the following:

  • Cleaning the skin using professional detergents suitable for the individual’s skin type
  • Scrub with cold or hot fumigation to exfoliate the surface of the skin
  • Desen therapy (deep exfoliation of the skin using electric current)
  • Skin massage to increase blood flow and stimulate collagen production
  • Hydroderm to increase nutrition and hydration to the skin
  • High frequency to disinfect the skin and help to close open skin pores
  • Using a face mask (different types for lifting, skin rejuvenation, skin brightening or hydration)

In the last stage, massage may be used again and moisturizing cream can be used to nourish the skin.

Facial cleansing in the clinic

What is the best way to clean the skin?

Undoubtedly, you can experience the best skin cleansing method in specialized skin clinics under the supervision of a doctor. This work is more expensive than other methods such as cleaning the face at home or at a hair salon, but it will have a more lasting effect. The number of skin cleansing sessions in the office should be determined by the doctor. Usually, 1 treatment session will never work. If you are looking for a regular skin routine for yourself and you want it to be less expensive for you, it is better to do it at home.

What are the side effects of facial cleansing?

If you clean your skin under the supervision of an experienced specialist, usually there will be no complications for your skin. But if the cleaning is done by a non-specialist in the barber shop, it is not unlikely that it will cause complications. The occurrence of these complications can be due to the use of poor quality skin care products and lack of familiarity with the structure of the skin. Some of these possible complications include:

  • Skin inflammation and redness
  • skin infection
  • Irritation of facial acne and their increase

Necessary care after cleansing the face

After you have cleaned your face, pay attention to the following points:

  • It is better not to use heavy makeup. It is better not to apply any make-up on the skin for a few hours.
  • Do not use strong detergents to wash your face.
  • Do not use peeling cream or scrub.

The above actions cause skin irritation. This is why they should not be done after cleansing.

How often should the skin be cleansed?

Human skin regenerates almost once a month; This means that new cells will replace dead cells on the surface of the skin. For this reason, it is recommended to clean the skin almost once a month or once every 4 weeks. However, the interval between sessions should be determined precisely by the doctor because the skin of people and their skin problems are different. For example, people with dry and sensitive skin may need to cleanse their skin every 6 weeks at the discretion of the doctor.

final word

Cleansing the skin removes dead cells, impurities and excess fat from the surface of the skin and improves skin health. Everyone can do facial cleansing, but for people who have freckles, pimples and wrinkles, this action is more recommended. In the steps of cleaning the skin, techniques are used that make collagen Elastin increase in the skin and are also effective in rejuvenating the skin.

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