How much are the monthly mortgage loan installments?/ Expensive loan to solve the rental problem!

According to Tejarat News, a double increase Housing loan In the eighth meeting of the Supreme Housing Council, it was decided that the governors, in the position of the head of the provincial housing council, and the general managers of roads and urban development of the provinces should hold a special meeting with the banking network for housing loans and deposits.
Advisor to the Minister of Roads and Urban Development, also referring to the approval of doubling the increase Housing loansaid: This loan will be announced after the approval of the Guardian Council. In this regard, a special follow-up of provincial networks was needed at the provincial level.
This plan was first proposed at the beginning of June this year. Based on this, the members of the parliament agreed to increase the housing loan and deposit (Article 11) to the tenants during the two-urgent plan to control and organize housing rent.
Accordingly, the individual ceiling Housing loan In the first year of implementation of the law, it will be 200 million tomans, 150 million tomans for Tehran, 100 million tomans for other cities, and 40 million tomans for villages.
Of course, it should be noted that these figures will increase in the following years according to the point by point inflation announced by the Central Bank.
Housing loan installments
Not yet detailed information on the repayment period and interest of the new amount for Housing loan It has not been announced, but if it goes according to the previous conditions, the repayment period of this facility for Tehrani tenants will be five years and the profit will be 23%.
Therefore, the applicant tenants Housing loan They have to pay about 5,600,000 Tomans monthly as installments! In this case, the mortgage loan will be very expensive.
How to get a mortgage loan?
Registration of housing loan and deposit is done online at After confirming the documents and determining the branch, the tenant must go to the branch and file a case.
Also, it is mandatory to have documents such as an official lease and registration code to receive a housing deposit loan. In case of final approval, the housing deposit loan 1402 will be granted to those applicants and tenants who have not received facilities before or who have succeeded in receiving facilities in previous years and have settled them so far.
To whom is the housing deposit loan granted?
Housing loan At first, it was only planned for married people, but after some time, according to the demand in the society, the government decided to include unmarried women over 35 years old and unmarried men over 45 years old in its list for receiving housing loans and deposits.
Therefore, women over 35 years of age, if they are self-supporting and do not live with their families, can be included in the rental facility. Also, male heads of the household who are unmarried due to the death of their spouses, divorce and divorce can do so Housing loan receive
Does housing deposit loan solve the problem of tenants?
Rent inflation in 1402 went through an unprecedented trend. Based on this, the prices have been at a point since April this year, which could not even be expected before.
Now, tenants have to pay 200 to 300 million Tomans mortgage and about 5 million Tomans monthly rent even to rent a minimum housing in an average area.
Therefore, it can be said that this loan may solve the problem of some people with better financial conditions, but it will not be a solution for the first deciles of the society, especially in the city of Tehran, because both the procedures to receive it and the payment of its installments are difficult for them in addition to the amount paid for Renting is difficult.
On the other hand, those who received a housing deposit loan last year cannot receive the loan again for five years unless they have fully paid it! Therefore, tenants with this rate of inflation may solve their problem this year, but they will probably have to face a big obstacle in renting a house next year.
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