
How much has the rent of a villa in Gilan become more expensive?

According to Tejarat News, based on the data received from the Divar website, a list of the average daily rent of villas in some cities of Gilan province has been prepared along with the percentage increase in their prices.

According to the information in the table below, Bandar Anzali with a 92% increase in villa rent in the past year, along with Masal with a 72% increase in villa rent, have recorded the highest increase in villa rental rates among the cities in the table below.

Lahijan has the lowest percentage increase with 19.6% increase among the following cities.

According to the data in the table below, the average rent of a villa in Rasht from October 2016 to October 1400 has increased by about 54%. Talesh has also recorded a 65.9% increase in the price of the villa.

The average percentage of rent increase in villas in Gilan from October 1399 to October 1400 was about 75.5 percent, which shows a significant increase in the rental rate of villas in the cities of Gilan (note the average prices and rental rates based on Ads are registered in the wall requirements.)

In the table below, you can see the average daily rental rate of villas in some cities of Gilan, along with the percentage of annual and monthly price increases.

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