
How much is the monthly rent in Narmak neighborhood? + Price table

The rent of an apartment unit in the area of ​​Haft Hoz is a maximum of 15 million Tomans with an advance payment of 1.250 million Tomans.

To rent in the area of ​​Haft Hoze, you must have at least 3 million tomans in rent and 200 million tomans in advance.

Below are the housing rental prices in this area of ​​Tehran:

Neighborhood, rental area (prices are in Tomans) mortgage (prices are in Tomans)

South Normak 120 3 to 5 million 300 to 1 billion and 100 million

Haft Hoz 110 to 14 million 800 350 to 1 billion 250 million

Normak 90 9 to 15 million 210 to 900 million

Fadak 100 3 to 13 million, 200 to 900 million

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