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How to act in critical situations?/ “Mah Neshan” teaches – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

About this radio program and its goals and content, Fateme Bekassir, the producer of “Mah Nishan” told Mehr reporter: “Our country, Part of There are 10 accident-prone countries in the world in such a way that in the field of earthquakes, it is the sixth country prone to earthquakes, and in terms of floods, it is the fourth country. Flood We are awake.

He continued: Considering the inevitability of the crisis, we should have a comprehensive policy Planned And of course, everyone, a set of preparedness strategies to deal with Risks institutionalized among the citizens that one of the goals of this program is the same approach.

He stated without fault: in critical situations, even if citizens do not have enough power, knowledge and motivation to help others, they can at least take a step forward to save their lives and family members. Based on this, the approach of “Mah Nishan” program, examining the capacities, power, role and preparedness of the Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran against accidents and disaster It is natural and accidental and these trainings will be provided through the program.

Referring to the axes and items of the program, he said: At the beginning of the program, a documentary about the experiencers of accidents or natural disasters will be broadcast, and this documentary is a narrative of an incident that has happened, and by reconstructing it, the main topic of the program is raised. For example, a narrative of an incident in Road A car damaged by a storm, a tree fell on it, and its occupants were trapped. In this incident, what should the passengers do? a question is raised in the program and the audience responds to it.

This producer continued: After broadcasting the comments a people Regarding the subject of the program, Mr. Helali, whose implementation is the responsibility of Ali Jabali, takes action. He is an expert of the Red Crescent Society who, while dealing with the details of the incident, about ways to control this crisis, some tips It raises a special and key point. Mr. Helali is the main character of the program, who will describe the incident or crisis in the form of the character defined for him and present the available solutions according to the documentary that was aired at the beginning of the program.

In the end, the producer of “Mah Nashan” program stated: training in rescue methods in crisis situations; Improving the level of knowledge of the general public regarding self-help and self-treatment in crisis situations; Introducing the role of the Red Crescent in rescue and relief; and getting familiar with Red Crescent services during accidents Unexpected One of the goals of this program is that it deals with issues such as rescue and rescue, medical supplies, treatment and rehabilitation, disaster management and risk reduction, voluntary services, medical and health services, and emergency treatments. .

“Mah Nishan” program, produced by Soheila Bagheri and Fatemeh Bi-Taksir, is a work of Radio Salamat’s nutrition group, which airs on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays every week from 9:00 am for 10 minutes. F. M The 102 MHz band is broadcast.

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