How to get a Bank Tejarat credit card?

According to Akhbarpol, credit cards are issued in the world according to the laws of each country, and in our country, banks issue credit cards to applicants up to a certain limit within the framework of the Central Bank’s Murabaha contract executive regulations.
The credit card is offered with the aim of increasing the purchasing power of customers. Unlike other bank cards, this card is not a tool for withdrawing or using the balance of a deposit, but rather a tool for using specific credit, in a specific period that the bank has planned for the customer. The holder of this card can use it to purchase goods and receive services from all stores and centers with sales terminals and many websites with online stores.
On the other hand, in a situation where the prices of goods are rising daily, buying on credit is one of the ways to meet the essential needs of households. In fact, these cards meet the financial needs of customers as a modern and easy solution instead of micro-facilities and increase their purchasing power.
Bank Tejarat credit card
Trade credit card is one of the new card-based services that its holder can purchase goods or services up to a maximum credit limit of 50 million tomans. This credit is assigned to the applicants by the bank according to the customer’s history. According to the ability to recharge the credit card, customers can use this facility again for the original amount of the deposit. These cards can provide customers with the right conditions for easy payment and cost management by creating more purchasing power.
The individual credit card credit limit is up to 500 million Rials with a maximum repayment period of 36 months, and the interest rate of the granted facility is equal to 18% per year and the subscription rate is equal to 1% of the credit amount, which is collected at the end of the first billing period.
In the facilities granted up to 300 million Rials, if the customer has a credit rating from the Iran Credit Rating Consulting Company’s validation system, it is sufficient to obtain a promissory note and guarantee from one valid guarantor and trusted by the bank. Also, in the facilities granted from 300 million to 500 million Rials, it is mandatory to submit a promissory note along with the guarantee of two valid guarantors and the bank’s trust.
Get a credit card from Tejarat Bank
But there is another way to get a monthly credit card faster so that customers can get short-term credit on a monthly basis through the budget application quickly and easily.
Optimum management of income and monthly expenses is always a concern of many customers. There are many times that you need short-term micro financing to cover unexpected expenses during the month. Of course, this amount can be financed by obtaining bank facilities, which usually may take a long time to receive.
Emphasizing the simplicity and ease of providing services to customers and improving the customer experience, the Tejarat Bank budget application implemented services such as the possibility of opening an account and receiving a card completely offline, the possibility of granting marriage loan facilities from the application to the introduction of guarantors and receiving facilities (currently only in Tehran and in the near future throughout the country), the granting of monthly short-term credit.
Short-term monthly purchase credit A product that effectively provides customers with a short-term credit. Bank Tejarat has provided its customers with a quick, timely and inexpensive tool and solution with short-term monthly purchase credit. The short-term monthly purchase credit product can be offered to all real customers according to the interaction they have with the bank, without a guarantor and based on the credit rating and according to the average account they create with the bank. Also, for other citizens who do not have an account and who request a Bank Tejarat credit card, it is possible to open an account completely absent and receive the card on the spot, after which they can benefit from short-term monthly purchase credit services.
Also, if the customer settles his consumer credit at the end of the month, no interest will be received and this credit will be available to him again for the next month.
This credit is considered to be equivalent to one times the average one-month account balance up to 10 million Tomans for customers who have level 1 and 2 credit ratings based on the credit rating of Iranians, and for customers who have level 3 and 4 credit ratings, it is equivalent to one times the average two-month account balance up to five million Tomans.
According to Akhbarpol News, in this regard, in cooperation with sales platforms, Bank Tejarat serves in various fields, such as supplying household consumption baskets, selling all kinds of insurance policies, household appliances, digital goods, fast-consuming and high-consumption goods through budget presentation.
How to get a monthly credit card from the budget
A monthly credit card is granted to individuals and legal entities without any interest or fee (if the debt is paid on time). The necessary conditions to receive these cards are for people with active business accounts, having an end-of-service card for men, credit calculation based on the average balance of the account, measuring the credit rating in such a way that the credit rating A and B can receive up to 100 million Rials based on the one-month average of the account, and the credit rating C and those without a rating, i.e. D, can receive up to 50 million Rials based on the two-month average of the account.
In order to receive these cards, legal entities must have an active trade account, and without the need for a bank rating and guarantee, only through an agreement made between the relevant organization and the trade bank, the exact conditions of receiving organizational credit from the budget are possible.
How to apply for and use the monthly credit cards of Bank Tejarat is possible in several steps. The first step is to enter the business signature application and define the digital signature, which is a prerequisite for the process of receiving credit and signing the contract. In the second step, if your national code is defined in our system, you will be allocated a credit corresponding to your salary. By signing the contract in the budget application, you will be able to receive credit. In the third step, by entering the website or downloading the application of Landteks of the contracting party, you can buy from thousands of their stores, and finally, in the fourth step, after entering the credit purchase widget, you can pay your bill by the end of the current month. To pay the debt, you have 5 days to breathe and after that, your credit will be converted into a facility contract. Every month, if you settle by the end of the fifth day, your credit will be recharged for the next month.
It should be noted that the customer contact center at extension number 1554 5 or 02191009554 is ready to provide additional information to customers 7 days a week from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. For more information or to receive a monthly Bank Tejarat credit card through the Budget application Here See.