
How to get a Sana code for a loan?

According to the report of online economy, the judicial branch, in order to improve and increase the quality of service to its users, as well as to save the time and money of clients, has launched an electronic registration system called the Sana system. In order to do their judicial work, users no longer need to go to the judicial authorities in person and it is enough to register their request electronically in this system.

This system has provided a variety of judicial services to its users, the most important of which is sending judicial notices and notices electronically to both natural and legal persons, providing a letter of approval for matters such as receiving a loan, acting as an intermediary. Among the parties to the lawsuit are their legal representatives and such cases. Therefore, in order to use this system, users must know how it works.

Therefore, in this article, we intend to provide information related to the definition of Sana card and how to receive it, and then we will check the receipt of Sana card with national code that is reserved for natural persons in this system.

What is Sana card?

Sana card, in fact, is a certificate of registration of people in the Sana system. A number of banks and credit institutions are willing to grant loans to these people only if the person applying for the loan and his guarantors present this document. Therefore, all loan applicants are required to submit their letter of approval in addition to the documents required for the loan in order to apply for a loan.

Also, using the Sana system will solve problems such as delays in receiving notifications, missing notifications, not being at home to receive notifications, etc., because people can only enter the electronic notification system by entering their ID. On this site, the judiciary can receive all the notifications online.

How to get the Sana card

As explained in the previous section, the Sana sheet or the query printout of the Sana system is the certificate of users’ registration in this system. This sheet includes information related to their registration, in order to provide to banks and other institutions that have the condition of registration in the Sana notification system in order to provide their services. Applicants need to go through the following steps to receive the Sana card:

Users should first go to the main website of the Sana system at and select the option to change information.

Users, after selecting the change option Information In the opened page, enter your username and password and press the next step button:

How to get a Sana code for a loan?

After logging in to your account system, “Print” option Information Select “Registration” which is located on the top left side of the page and thus, the printed version Sana sheet receive themselves

How to get a Sana code for a loan?

Therefore, according to the above explanations, natural persons should apply through their national code to receive the Sana card and after completing the mentioned steps, they should finally receive the printed version of their Sana card.

Receive the Sana card with the national code

According to Dina’s report, natural persons can enter the electronic registration system of the Judiciary in order to receive a Sana card with a national code and perform several steps to receive a printed version of the Sana card, which includes the following steps:

Dear users, first of all, they should search for the term electronic judicial registration system in their browser and after entering the main site of this system, select the option to change the information.

In the next step, users, after choosing the option to change the information on the opened page, must enter their username and password, which includes the national code of natural persons, and then enter the next section by clicking the button.

After logging in to your user account in the system, select the “Print Registration Information” option located at the top left of the site page and then receive a printed copy of your Sanaa form.

To receive more information about receiving the Sana card, subscribe to the Telegram channel of procedural rules and evidence to prove the case. The experts of Dina Legal Counseling Center are also ready to answer your questions about receiving the Sana form by providing Dina legal counseling services.

Frequently Asked Questions

1- What is Sana card?
Sana card is the certificate of registration of people in the Sana system, which is fully explained in the text of the article

2- How can I proceed to receive the Sana certificate?
To receive the Sana card, you must go to the main website of the Sana system and log in to your user account, which is fully explained in the text of the article.

3- Do all banks need to receive a letter of approval from their applicants to provide their services?
No, but only a number of banks and credit institutions have the condition of providing the Sana card for their services, which is fully explained in the text of the article.

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