
How to get free tracking code for rental contract? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, a trial version of the country’s real estate transaction system was launched on Wednesday, June 3, 1402. In the first step, it was possible to register rental contracts and receive tracking codes by owners and tenants without going to real estate offices. Until now, receiving tracking code was exclusive to real estate consultants. Compatriots can access this system through the site in the “Free Housing Rental Registration System” section.

The real estate system can only be used by those who intend to create a new lease or receive a tracking code. Be careful that you can only inquire about the tracking code that is created after registering the contract in this system. Therefore, the tracking code received from real estate consultants cannot be queried in this system.

Those who have already received a tracking code should refer to the “Comprehensive Housing Support Schemes System” to receive a housing deposit. Compatriots can also use the comprehensive system of housing support schemes for construction facilities, deposit assistance facilities and similar cases.

You can also use the National Real Estate and Housing System to self-declare your residence and properties under your ownership. In order to use the features of this system, it is necessary to first complete and register identity information, details of owned properties, place of residence, and other items in the National Real Estate and Housing System of the country. If you complete the required information in the real estate and accommodation system, you can proceed to create a lease contract for the property under your ownership in the same system (the country’s real estate transaction system).

Currently, it is only possible to create a lease agreement for properties with a 6 dong certificate. After registering the contract, the tracking code of the contract is provided to the parties of the contract. All the steps of creating and registering the contract, as well as receiving the tracking code, are free.

To register the contract, the lessor (property owner) must first create a contract, and in the next steps, the lessee will be added to the contract, and the lessee cannot create a contract alone. In order to create and register the contract, documents such as the property document, birth certificates of the parties to the contract, and bills of the rented property (in case of debt) are necessary.

In the first step of starting the work of this system, the possibility of registering and querying the registered contracts for housing rental contracts in a one-to-one mode (one owner of six dong to one tenant) has been provided online, and the lessor (owner of the property) and the tenant can Complete the rental contract of the residential unit in this system and receive the tracking code and its electronic version.

The Ministry of Roads and Urban Development is completing the real estate system and has announced that in the near future, dear compatriots will have the opportunity to conduct all types of real estate contracts independently or through real estate consultants in this system. give

Having a tracking code is necessary for all contracts. Until now, one of the disadvantages of the rental market was the registration of contracts in old papers, which were sometimes sold and had no legal basis. For this reason, it is necessary to spread the contracts with the tracking code among the people.

Source: ISNA

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