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How to make homemade cherry tea

Since cherry has many fans among fruits and has many benefits in providing the body with the necessary substances, in this article from the online pharmacy magazine Positive Green, we will accompany you with how to prepare homemade cherry tea. Cherry is one of the fruits that is considered as a therapeutic solution for some diseases due to its very beneficial properties for health. Cherries are rich in antioxidants, essential vitamins and nutrients that are required for the health of the body. Do you know how to make cherry tea?

What are the benefits of cherries?

Cherries have vitamins A, B and C. The minerals of cherries include iron, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese and cobalt.

Drinking cherry juice after exercising can relieve pain from muscle strain. Cherry is extremely useful for heart and rheumatic patients and has a positive effect on the beauty and freshness of the skin.

Consuming cherries is beneficial for hot flashes; Consuming cherries is effective and useful for people with itchy skin. For this reason, hot-tempered people are recommended to eat cherries, especially in summer. It is better to learn how to make cherry tea so that you can enjoy the benefits of this fruit.

Features of cherry

Cherry is one of the delicious and characteristic fruits of the hot summer season. Cherry is a red, sour-tasting, tree-shaped fruit native to Europe and Southwest Asia, which is known by the scientific name Prunus cerasus. The height of the tree of this summer and delicious fruit is from 3 meters to 10 meters, this fruit has significant medicinal and therapeutic properties, which is considered very significant and valuable for traditional medicine doctors and modern medical industry. Do you think cherries are used in diet pills? Does cherry have an effect on weight loss?

The opinion of traditional medicine about cherry

According to traditional medicine, cherry is a fruit with a cold and dry nature and is suitable for hot-tempered people, but cold-tempered people must use warm foods such as honey and dates along with it. This fruit is very suitable and useful for consumption in summer and plays a significant role in maintaining the health of the body. Do you know how to make cherry tea? In traditional medicine, brewed cherry fruit is recommended for the treatment of kidney and bile diseases, and old doctors have asked patients not to remove the thin stem of this fruit. So, if you use this fruit for treatment, pay attention to this issue.

Anti-cancer properties of cherries

Anthocyanin is a strong antioxidant found in pigments, and cherries are among the fruits that are full of these pigments. Consuming fruits that have a darker color are recommended because they have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-cancer compounds.

Properties of cherry tea

Cherry tea is used to improve bowel function and boost metabolism. Cherry tea is appetizing for some thin people and is very effective and useful for lightening the complexion. Of course, if you have an appetite problem, you can also use an appetite suppressant tablet or syrup. Cherry also has the properties of cherry and its consumption calms the nerves.

Consuming cherry tea is beneficial for hot-tempered people and people who have a lot of fat around their abdomen. You can use tea or cherry tea to lose weight because it is low in calories. Overweight people or people with abdominal obesity can reduce their appetite by consuming this hot and excellent brew half an hour to an hour before lunch or dinner. Cherry tea eliminates nausea and lowers blood pressure, it is also effective in kidney and bladder diseases.

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How to make homemade cherry tea

It doesn’t take more than a few minutes to prepare cherry tea, which has a very pleasant taste:

  • To prepare cherry tea, put a cup of fresh cherries and 2 cups of beer in a teapot and put it on very low heat. Of course, after 20 minutes of putting the teapot on the heat, remove the lid and add honey or candy to it, then close the lid of the teapot again and put it on the heat again, after 10 minutes, the cherry tea is ready to drink. .

After preparing the tea, some people add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to refresh it, and some add a small piece of cinnamon or a few cardamoms to it along with candy or honey, so that in addition to reducing the cold nature of this tea, its taste becomes more pleasant. . These things depend on the taste and temperament of the consumer, which does not affect the benefits and properties of cherry tea.

Cherry tea

Some important points about making cherry tea

  • If you want, add a piece of candy to it while brewing the tea.
  • Note that the cherry tea is ready when the color of the cherry is almost white.
  • You can also add a tea bag of ready-made cherry tea to the teapot to have a more beautiful tea.

Sleep well with cherry tea

We explained how to prepare cherry tea. Now we mention some other properties of it. Cherries are a rich source of the hormone melatonin and its consumption is recommended for people who feel tired but cannot fall asleep because this hormone regulates the sleep pattern. Drinking a cup of tea increases the release of melatonin in the blood and thus improves the body’s natural sleep patterns, while this process potentially has other benefits for maintaining physical and mental health. Reducing stress and improving sleep are among the benefits of cherry tea.

Disadvantages of making cherry tea

Preparation of cherry tea for some people should be done carefully:

  • People who suffer from kidney disease and must follow a hypoallergenic diet are advised to be careful when preparing cherry tea and avoid overeating this fruit.
  • Those who have intestinal inflammation should be careful in consuming cherry tea because cherries are sour cellulose It has (a type of fiber) and is digested slowly. If you have stomach problems, we suggest you to take digestive and stomach supplements.
  • People who have a weak stomach or intestines can consume cooked cherries in the form of compote or jam, although in these cases, when the cherry is cooked, it loses some of its vital substances, especially vitamins, but it is easily digested. Despite this, some people who have weak stomach or intestines can tolerate cherry digestion, provided that they consume a small amount of fully ripe fruit in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • People who are fat should not eat cherries as a dessert or additional food in addition to their diet, but they can eat cherries as a main meal because cherries have few calories and prevent false appetite.

last word

In this article, we explained how to make cherry tea. Use it as a tea especially if your body is hot and enjoy it. Cherry tea has many fans especially in hot seasons like summer. Have you ever used this delicious tea?

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