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How to prepare teas for weight loss and fat burning (quick effect)

In the process of losing weight, nothing can be as useful and effective as diet and increasing exercise. So it is a lie that you can experience significant weight loss by just adding a few types of tea to your diet. But the truth is that some teas can facilitate your work in a slimming diet and help you achieve the final result you are waiting for sooner. Therefore, we dedicate this article to the introduction of tea for slimming and fat burning.

How can tea help to lose weight?

Losing weight requires a healthy diet, regular exercise and making some lifestyle changes. For example, you should be able to manage your stress and get enough sleep and rest. There are some teas that increase metabolism, accelerate fat burning in the body, reduce the desire to eat, and ultimately help to lose weight. Sometimes you can even use herbal teas instead of slimming pills.

Teas are tasty and low-calorie and contain plants that are full of vitamins and antioxidants and are considered a suitable alternative to soft drinks and carbonated juices. By keeping your body hydrated, herbal teas help you feel full and eat less. Some teas have a naturally sweet taste that can reduce your cravings for unhealthy snacks that are high in sugar. Herbal teas by themselves cannot cause weight loss, but when you use them along with other changes you make in your life with the aim of losing weight, they make the weight loss process easier for you.

Introducing tea for slimming and fat burning

Here we introduce you the best effective teas for weight loss:

Green tea is a miracle for weight loss

The most well-known herbal tea for weight loss is undoubtedly green tea, which has been studied a lot so far. The effective ingredients in green tea are caffeine and a group of strong antioxidants called catechins. These compounds encourage the human body to produce more of a hormone called norepinephrine. This hormone sends a signal to our cells to release stored fats and use them for energy. Therefore, drinking green tea may help the body burn fat faster.

Green tea also increases metabolism and can be effective in recovery after exercise. Green tea is an appetite suppressant and makes it easy to resist food cravings.

How to prepare green tea for weight loss

  • 1- Boil the water and wait 2-3 minutes until it cools down a bit.
  • 2- The ideal temperature for green tea is between 80 and 85 degrees Celsius. Be careful that the ingredients in green tea are sensitive to high water temperature and therefore you should not use boiling water to prepare green tea.
  • 3- Put green tea bag in a cup and pour hot water into it.
  • 4- Wait 3 minutes for it to brew. Then eat it.

In order to lose weight, it is enough to drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea during the day.

Cayenne pepper tea for weight loss

A drink for weight loss and fat burning is cayenne pepper. This pepper is mostly used as a spice in cooking, but you can also drink it as tea and enjoy its benefits. Cayenne pepper increases your resistance to food cravings; Especially if you combine it with green tea. Capsaicin in cayenne pepper increases metabolism and makes you burn more calories during the day. It also seems that this pepper can reduce the level of ghrelin in the body. Ghrelin is a hormone that causes the feeling of hunger.

cayenne pepper

How to prepare cayenne pepper tea

Follow the steps below:

  • 1- Prepare some boiling water.
  • 2- Add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper to a cup of boiling water.
  • 3- Stir the contents of the cup.
  • 4- Add some lemon juice to your tea.

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Ginger tea for weight loss

To prepare a herbal tea, ginger seems ideal. Ginger in traditional medicine has a warm nature and has a spicy but pleasant taste. This plant can increase metabolism and fat burning, thus helping to reduce body fat. Ginger is also effective in reducing the amount of fat absorbed from food. Research has shown that ginger can not have an effect on bad cholesterol (LDL), but it does reduce the level of good cholesterol (HDL). In this case, the risk of heart diseases will also be reduced.

How to make ginger tea for weight loss

  • 1- Remove 2 cm of fresh ginger.
  • 2- Add it to 200 ml of water.
  • 3- Let these compounds boil and heat for 8 to 10 minutes.
  • 4- After the tea cools down a bit, strain it and drink it.

If you do not have access to fresh ginger, you can use a teaspoon of ground ginger. We suggest you to drink this tea 3 times a day.

Ginger tea

Black seed and thinness

Black seed accelerates the weight loss process with its effect on reducing body fat and also because it can reduce appetite. Therefore, it is considered a tea for slimming and fat burning. Apart from these, black seed is also useful in reducing the symptoms of chronic diseases such as diabetes and arthritis. Black seed is full of micronutrients that make it a herbal medicine. Vitamins A, C, K, and iron, phosphorus, and potassium minerals are among the most important micronutrients in black seeds. Active ingredients called Phytochemicals There are black seeds that are directly effective in weight loss.

Black seed tea for weight loss

  • 1- Take 5 to 10 black seeds and grind them to powder.
  • 2- Add this powder to a glass of warm water.
  • 3- Add a spoon of honey and half of a lemon to it.
  • It is better to use this useful drink on an empty stomach.

Lemon tea to lose weight

The lemon is native to South America. Lemon is used as a food flavoring in many dishes. Lemon has strong antioxidant properties and plays a role in burning fat and reducing appetite. This plant has only 2 calories per meal and has a direct effect on appetite controlling hormones. Lemon is also effective in reducing inflammation, strengthening the immune system, strengthening muscles and better digestion of food.

Lemon is the best tea for weight loss

How to prepare lemon tea?

  • 1- Prepare a tablespoon of lemon leaves.
  • 2- Then add it to boiled water whose temperature has decreased to 80 degrees Celsius.
  • 3- Wait for about 20 minutes for it to brew.
  • You can use lemon tea with a teaspoon of honey.

last word

In this article, we introduced 5 teas for weight loss and fat burning. In the end, we emphasize that you can never lose weight just by eating tea. Teas only help you to speed up the process of losing weight and burn fat in your body more easily. To lose weight, you must change your diet and lifestyle and increase your physical activity. You can also use diet pills available in the pharmacy. The slimming pills available in the online positive green pharmacy are mostly herbal and do not have any specific side effects.

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