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How to take dietary supplements during Ramadan

With the start of the holy month of Ramadan, it is very important that your body is ready for this month and you can maintain your health during this period. If you are familiar with how to take supplements during Ramadan and implement them in your daily routine, fasting will be much easier for you and will not be exhausting.

This month, more than ever, you need to make sure you take good care of your body, mind and soul.

What we read in this article

How to take dietary supplements in Ramadan for Sahar and Iftar

One of the most common mistakes is eating snacks after iftar to reduce appetite and then going to bed, skipping breakfast and staying hungry until the next iftar. You should always eat at breakfast, preferably just before fasting. Eating food before bed or avoiding eating at breakfast may cause serious problems with hypoglycemia and dehydration the next day. As a result, you may feel dizzy and distracted throughout the day.

What foods should we eat for breakfast?

Breakfast is a very important meal – it can either make or break your day. Breakfast should include the following foods:

Fruits and vegetables

Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables are essential during fasting because they increase the feeling of satiety and help prevent constipation. They also contain vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are vital to good health.

Rice and bread

It takes longer to digest high-fiber carbohydrate foods such as brown rice and whole-grain bread, and helps maintain energy levels for longer.

Meat and dairy products

Skinless chicken, fish and low-fat dairy products are excellent sources of protein, while also limiting your fat intake. In addition, they help repair and build body tissue and strengthen your immune system. High-calcium dairy products also help maintain strong bones. Those who are lactose intolerant can choose lactose-free milk or calcium-fortified soy milk.

What foods should we eat at Iftar?

Iftar is when you replenish energy levels, so you should do your best to eat foods from all the main food groups: fruits and vegetables, rice and substitutes, as well as meat and substitutes (which includes dairy). .

Fruits and vegetables

Most nutritionists recommend 2 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits a day. Make sure you eat 1 serving of fruits and 1 serving of vegetables in each of your two meals. Dates are usually used at the beginning of Iftar during Ramadan. In addition to being an excellent source of energy, dates are rich in potassium and contribute to good muscle and nerve function. But do not consume too much because dates are full of sugar!

Rice and bread

Wholemeal bread and brown rice are complex carbohydrates that provide energy, fiber and minerals to the body. Compared to fast-burning sweet foods and desserts, they provide a more stable energy level.

Meat and dairy products

Eat protein-rich sources such as lean meats, skinless chicken, fish, eggs, legumes and low-fat dairy products.

Do we need to take a special dietary supplement during Ramadan?

There are exemptions for fasting during Ramadan. For example, if you are sick and can not get a day, in these cases, you can pay a ransom, help to feed the needy.

Since you can not take anything by mouth, supplements are forbidden during the day, but if you feel you are missing important nutrients, it may be a good idea to take supplements in the morning or at night.

How to take dietary supplements and vitamins during Ramadan

It makes sense that if you eat fewer calories by fasting, you are probably getting fewer vitamins and nutrients. Whether this reduction is significant enough to affect your health depends on how long you have been fasting and whether you were deficient in any area before you started.

First, consider not taking vitamin Pills on an empty stomach as much as possible, as taking small amounts of vitamins on an empty stomach can make you feel nauseous.

Vitamins are divided into two basic categories:

How to take fat-soluble vitamins

These vitamins should be taken with fatty foods to help your body absorb them: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. The body stores fat-soluble vitamins in the liver and body fat. Eating them at a time when you do not eat fatty foods means that they are less likely to be absorbed, so it is of little use.

How to take water-soluble vitamins

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These vitamins are not stored in your body but are excreted if you drink fluids throughout the day. They include: B complex vitamins, such as B1, B2, B3, etc., folic acid, vitamin C and many more. You can take these on an empty stomach, but they can still cause discomfort.

If you eat a wide range of healthy foods during your meal period, you probably do not need to start supplements at all. Science has not yet found conclusive evidence that vitamins and supplements have a significant effect on health, unless you are initially deficient. In fact, some of them can be harmful (too much vitamin C can cause kidney stones; too much vitamin E can cause blood clotting problems).


The supplements you are likely to take during fasting are not only vitamins, but also minerals, substances that the body needs to regulate and maintain a number of key bodily functions and are depleted through physical activity and fasting. The following are the key minerals you want to stay on (but do not overdo). The top two items to consider are sodium and potassium.


If you want to prevent headaches and muscle spasms, use the recommended daily amount according to weight and gender. Sodium helps maintain the body’s water balance, and it plays an important role in regulating blood pressure.


Potassium intake makes your heart work better and is involved in treating high blood pressure. It also prevents stroke.

Magnesium tablets

Magnesium can help regulate muscle, nerve and sleep function. In fact, it plays an important role in moving your muscles and sending and receiving messages to the brain. It also balances the body’s blood sugar levels.

How to take magnesium tablets

There are no restrictions on taking magnesium pills, but it is best taken with food or at bedtime.

Tablets on

Zinc is the second most abundant substance in the body and is very important because it helps produce testosterone and nerve function. It is also useful for the general growth of all tissues.

How to take zinc pills

To take zinc pills, be sure to pay attention to its packaging and see what percentage of zinc it is, so that you can control the amount of zinc that enters your body when you take the pill.

Be sure to take zinc with food, as otherwise it may cause nausea.

Calcium tablets

Your bones and muscles both rely on calcium. Contrary to popular belief, you do not get the best calcium intake just by eating cheese and milk.

How to take calcium pills

The important thing to keep in mind when taking calcium pills is to not take any other medicine or supplement for 2 hours before and 4 hours after.

Iron tablets

Iron tablets, Is an important mineral for nourishing the skin and hair and has the greatest effect on blood oxygenation. Iron deficiency causes fatigue and a weakened immune system.

How to use iron tablets

It is best to take iron tablets on an empty stomach up to two hours before or after meals with water or juice.


Ramadan is actually a holy time of the year and fasting is an important part of this holy month, but as you can see, there are many options for fasting and staying healthy and eating.

By having a good and healthy variety of foods and being familiar with how to use supplements at the right time, we can greatly reduce the fatigue and weakness of our body during the time of fasting.

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