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I am against the virtualization of universities in the time of air pollution

The head of the Environmental Protection Organization in response to Moj news agency:

The head of the Environmental Protection Organization said: As a young student of the university, I would like to say that no matter how much we go in this direction that our education at every level from elementary to university goes towards virtualization, it is to the detriment of the country and the government.

Ali Selajgeh, Vice President and Head of the Environmental Protection Organization In response to the question of the Moj news agency’s political reporter, regarding the environment, there is a notification to advise School closures In the age of air pollution Whether he has notified the air pollution emergency committee or not, he said: We have a law and resolution regarding the closure of air pollution cases, and this work has an index and the work is done based on this index.

He continued: This work is always done in the meeting of the air pollution working group and this decision is made by the respected governors in the provinces who are the heads of the air pollution working group with the presence of other agencies including the environment.

In response to the question of whether he agrees with the virtualization of universities in the time of air pollution, the head of the Environmental Protection Organization said: As a young university student, I would like to say that no matter how far we go in this direction, our education at every level of It is to the detriment of the country and the government to move from elementary to university to virtualization.

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