I am not on TV this year/I have freedom of action, my problem is financial! – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

Farzad Jamshidi in a conversation with Mehr reporter, pointing out that Sahargah 1402 He is not going to have a program for TV. Magic I did not perform. My people because of the programs Magic they recognize. In these years, I have performed other programs, but people are kind, and it is God’s grace that they know me through dawn programs.
Jamshidi said about this type of people’s recognition of the performance in Sahargah: This is because of the effort that was made for the program to study and research to make the program different. In these few years, I have not been on TV from the show Magic separate I have not been and I have worked with different platforms and services on different days, especially during Ramadan.
Pointing out that Ramadan is working with platforms this year, he said: This is not an action against television, but maybe I wanted friends on television to make better decisions. Apparently, there were several options for the Sahar show, and I felt the choice of friends on TV I’m not. I saw that platforms have better conditions.
I have been given the freedom to perform on television
This veteran executive talks about what these better conditions include and how much of it is financial. He explained: There is no other discussion other than financial issues. I have been given the freedom to work on television. But as they have said, there is a standard in financial matters that must be maintained.
He added: Friends feel that the TV standard should be respected, I also say that if that standard is accompanied by quality, there is no problem, but I feel that the priority is only the financial standard and not other issues.
In television, there is no difference between a questioner, a reporter, a reporter, an announcer, an anchor, and an author anchor
In response to why educational programs have less financial resources, Jamshidi said: This issue is not unique to the recent period of the organization. We should also consider one point since I have been training presenters for about 20 years is on I promise to say; In television, there is no difference between a questioner, a reporter, a reporter, an announcer, an anchor, and an author anchor.
He added: In the organization, we must have a way to classify and group the executives. If the standard considered It’s just For presenters educational May it make the friends of Maarif feel that they are working hard reward They take less.
This TV show host stated: Olympic Ramadan programs are educational programs, and honestly, television is always for this. Month He has worked hard, but at the same time, he must be the difference of a performer author and the background and shelter of his pen is study, he does not read from the text but internalizes the text with others Executives Be clear.
About those who in the month of Ramadan and in the space of the programs, sometimes the same book their table He said: There are programs where people put books in front of them and read from the book, but this is like a radio program that only has pictures. Audience Magic The Ramadan program is a special audience, he has several hundred hadiths in his pocket and he does not wait for me as the host. I have to do a lot of art like that audience to tour and lasso I absorb my words.
The difficulty of performing with Plato and acting
Jamshidi mentioned about the comparison between the evaluation of different programs in TV and Radio: TV and Radio should have special importance for educational and value programs as well as drama and sports programs. soft And its standard to change Let me also say this and from the organization that it I try to take sides because the organization is really a defender of educational programs. But the remuneration should be changed in some cases, for example, it is not good that we pay 50 thousand tomans to a radio announcer.
In the end, he said: educational programs Part of Jim’s row is evaluated and maybe friends are right in this respect, but they should have a different table. I don’t know how much friends get in social programs. A friend who simply places two guests face to face and converses with them. Until I perform a monologue different Is. An important part of the performance monologue to do It is acting. I have to write Plato and I spend 11 months to write them and the program Magic I have started every year from the 10th of Shawwal of the previous year. Because I know that even if I don’t perform on TV, I will be invited on one of the platforms, I won’t stay on the ground and finally they want to perform.