
Identification of a 20-year-old young man who has 153 empty houses! – Tejarat News

Referring to the identification of a 20-year-old young man who has 153 empty houses, the Director General of the Audit Office of the Tax Affairs Organization said: Five banks also have the most empty houses, whose status is followed up through the Tax Affairs Organization.

According to Tejarat News, Shahin Mostofi stated: Maskan Bank with 8,000 empty houses, Sepeh Bank with 2,600 empty houses, Mellat Bank with 583 empty houses, Saderat Bank with 278 empty houses and Pasargad Bank with 181 have the most empty houses.

The Director General of the Audit Office of the Tax Affairs Organization also announced: Iran Insurance has 178 uninhabited units under its possession.

He added: Also, a 20-year-old person with 153 empty houses has been identified, whose source of income should be determined, and the income tax of this person is also tracked through the systems of the Tax Affairs Organization.

Source: IRNA

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