
Implementation of an old law to supervise real estate consultants/ Why did housing become expensive?

According to Tejarat News, the sharp increase in the rental price and the unprecedented increase in housing prices caused the first step to point the finger of blame at Real estate consultants be taken Meanwhile, housing prices return to their true position by balancing, increasing distribution and establishing a balance between supply and demand and creating a competitive market. At the same time, inflation and macroeconomic policies should be considered as the main factor behind price increases in all markets, including housing.

Despite this, in the current situation, some officials consider monitoring the activity of real estate consultants as a suitable measure to control the market. In this regard, the head of the country’s real estate registration organization tried to implement the forgotten law and reduce their role in the housing market.

The duties of real estate consultants were limited

The head of the registration organization announced in an interview that real estate consultants do not have the right to arrange mortgage and lease purchase and sale contracts and other contracts as brokers or intermediaries. They can only introduce buyers and sellers, owners and tenants, etc.

According to the head of the registration organization, a system is being set up for this purpose, so that other real estate consultants can introduce only the clients to each other and conduct the transaction and receive the tracking code through the system. An incident that has not been accompanied by the reaction of the members of the board of directors and the head of the union of real estate consultants. It seems that due to the approaching end of the management period of the head of the union, no action or reaction has been done until today.

Reduction of consultants?

Now the question arises, will the implementation of this law lead to the reduction of real estate consultants? According to field surveys, this trend can have such an effect in the future.

In such a situation, the question arises as to why until today real estate consultants have not reacted to this issue that can affect their careers.

How to receive fees

On the other hand, it is likely that real estate consultants’ fees will also change. In such a way that in other new conditions, the regional price is the criterion for receiving real estate consultants’ fees. This has a significant impact on reducing the income of people active in this job.

The regional price of the property is much lower than the real price of the property. For example, in any part of the country, a property whose real price is announced as five billion tomans, the regional price that is announced by the Economic and Financial Affairs Organization in the form of a booklet, may be around 15 to 20 million tomans.

This issue has a strange effect on receiving the commission fee (25 tenths of percent). That too in the situation where buying and selling in the housing market is in a severe recession. Now, in such a situation, will the income of real estate consultants still be coins? However, this decision of the Council of Ministers must be notified to the registration organization through the Supreme Supervisory Board. But the notification and implementation of this resolution does not have a long way to go.

Limiting real estate consultants under the pretext of housing price control

One of the reasons for the implementation of the discussed laws is to control the price and reach the equilibrium of the housing market. Although the role of real estate consultants cannot be ignored in the high price and disruption of the buying and selling, mortgage and rental market, it should be noted that the housing market in Iran is not governed by orders and the introduction of new laws will probably have little effect on this silent and blind market. It will not have.

At the same time, inflation and macroeconomic policies should be considered as the main factor behind price increases in all markets, including housing.

Read the latest housing news on Tejaratnews housing market page.

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