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Important recommendations before and after abdominal cosmetic surgery

because of Abdominal beauty surgery To get the best result, apart from the important fact that we must choose the right clinic with a brilliant resume for the operation, we must also pay attention to the care before and after the abdominal cosmetic surgery. In the continuation of this article, we are going to give important medical recommendations and recommendations of beauticians at Kimia Beauty Clinic before and after Abdominoplasty operation to tell you

What measures should be taken before abdominal cosmetic surgery?

Abdominal cosmetic surgery It is one of the practices that many people do today; Procedures before abdominal abdominoplasty are divided into two categories; The first category of medical advice related to before Abdominal cosmetic surgery are said according to the scientific knowledge and experiences of experienced doctors, the second category is the supplementary recommendations about the abdominal cosmetic procedure, which we will discuss further.

Abdominoplasty surgery is recommended for people who have excess fat in the abdomen and sides. In relation to the care that these people before surgery Abdominoplasty of the abdomen They should do, it can be mentioned not to change the weight. There should be no change in your weight from the examination to the time of the operation so that the calculations made by the expert surgeon are not mistaken and you have a successful operation.

The cost of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) can also be different by not observing a series of things before the operation. According to Kimia Beauty Clinic: Abdominoplasty cost It can change due to the lack of care before the operation, but this will not happen until the day of the operation due to the consultation and companionship of the clinic with the beautician, and it will not affect the costs of your abdominal cosmetic surgery.

Medical recommendations before performing abdominal cosmetic surgery

Maintaining health and weight stabilityNutrition and medicineSickness
hygieneConducting experimentsfasting

  1. Maintaining Health

The first and most important medical advice before any surgery is health care. If you get sick before the abdominoplasty procedure, such as cold, flu, bronchitis, etc., it can postpone the date of your tummy tuck procedure. Also, the use of tobacco such as cigarettes, hookah, etc. or the consumption of alcoholic beverages can also be effective in your operation because they slow down the oxygen supply. Therefore, these things should not happen until at least one week before the operation.

  1. Nutrition

Another medical recommendation before abdominal cosmetic surgery is to follow a healthy diet. Avoid eating foods with low nutritional value or so-called junk foods and eat healthy food. You can get your diet list from your specialist surgeon or nutritionist.

  1. medicine

The use of pills and medicines before surgery should be controlled by the surgeon. If you are taking certain medications, it is recommended to inform your surgeon before the tummy tuck procedure.

  1. Sickness

If you suffer from certain diseases such as diabetes, or heart diseases, be sure to inform your doctor before the tummy tuck procedure.

  1. fasting

To perform this surgery, you usually need to fast for 8 to 10 hours before the operation. This hour can be different depending on the weather condition, so it is recommended to consult with the surgeon to tell you the best time.

  1. hygiene

It is recommended to take care of your personal hygiene before performing a cosmetic procedure. Also, for men who want to do this procedure, don’t forget to correct the abdominal and side areas.

  1. No change in weight

It is recommended to maintain your weight stability before performing the cosmetic surgery of the abdomen and flanks. As mentioned earlier, if you are using medicine and weight loss supplements or a special diet to lose weight, stop them temporarily two weeks before the operation.

No change in weight

  1. Conducting the necessary tests and experiments

At different ages, the tests that should be given are different. In old age, it is obligatory to perform cardiography to confirm the health of the heart. Blood, urine, etc. tests are also required. Before performing abdominoplasty, it is better to complete your medical file and complete the necessary tests so that these tests do not delay your operation.

Additional recommendations before and after tummy tuck surgery

People who had the experience of this operation have made recommendations that can be useful for those who intend to perform the abdominal cosmetic surgery. These recommendations are as follows:

  • If you have pets, coordinate with someone you know to take care of them.
  • After the surgery, it is not possible to move and do heavy activities, it is better to have someone to take care of your work.
  • Resting is one of the most important things after surgery. Be sure to take your recovery seriously.
  • Be sure to bring it with you on the day of the operation.
  • Be sure to take a bath before the operation, because water should not touch the wounds for several days after the operation.
  • Be sure to take the prescribed medicines on time after the operation.
  • Sodium consumption should be stopped before and after abdominal cosmetic surgery.
  • Complete recovery takes place after the recovery period, which is about one year.
  • Try to wear cool and loose clothes after the operation.


At the end of this article, we hope that we have been able to introduce you to all the tips before abdominoplasty surgery. If you intend to do this procedure, be sure to read and follow these things before. These items are the result of medical recommendations and the opinions of beauticians who have performed their procedures at Kimia Beauty Clinic: Also, if you have any questions about procedures before abdominal cosmetic surgery, you can leave us a comment at the end of this page.

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