Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Income of 180 thousand billion tomans of 14 banks from loan payments

During the first five months of this year, Bank Mellat earned more than 50 thousand billion tomans from loans granted; The largest volume of Bank Mellat’s facilities is related to foreign exchange facilities, but the largest income of the bank is obtained from Murabaha facilities. It seems that the interest rate of foreign currency facilities was lower than Riyal.

This year, bank loans for 14 banks have generated more than 180 income.

Kodal’s reports show that among the 29 banks in the country, only Pasargad, Mellat, Ekhtaz Navin, Post Bank of Iran, Saderat, Karahan, Sina, Day, Middle East, Saman, Parsian, Resalat, Tejarat, and the Nation’s Credit Institution published their monthly performance reports. have taken action

Foreign currency loans are cheaper than Riyal loans

The review of the performance report of these banks shows that during the first five months of this year, the 12 named banks have earned more than 182 hemats of income from payment facilities, and the highest income belongs to Bank Mellat.

Statistics show that during the first five months of this year, Bank Mellat earned more than 50 thousand billion tomans from loans, which is more than 58 times the income that Bank D (as the holder of the lowest income from loans) had during this period.

At the end of August this year, the balance of Bank Mellat’s facilities has reached 1,122 hemats. The noteworthy point is that the largest volume of Bank Mellat’s facilities is related to foreign currency facilities, but the largest income of the bank is obtained from the Murabaha facilities. It seems that the interest rate of foreign currency facilities was lower than Riyal.

At the end of August this year, the balance of Mellat Bank’s foreign exchange facility has reached 441 hemats.

After Mellat Bank, Pasargad and Tejarat Banks have the highest income from the facilities granted, so that during the mentioned period, each of these banks earned about 35 and 28 thousand billion Tomans, respectively.

Among the mentioned banks (except Qarzul Hosna Resalat Bank), the lowest income from the facilities belongs to Bank D. During the first five months of this year, this bank has earned less than one thousand billion tomans (862 billion tomans) from payment facilities.


Source: Eco Iran

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