Infrastructural units affecting the tourism industry

The tourism expert of Kermanshah province wrote in a note: One of the important components in attracting tourists is the issue of creating infrastructure to provide services to tourists. Maybe every region has important capabilities to attract tourists, such as cultural, historical or natural attractions, but the existence of attractions alone cannot provide benefits for the region. Therefore, it is required to build and develop tourism infrastructures in order to take advantage of the profit from the gross income of tourism.
In general, the existence of works and attractions is the only capital that must be created in order to benefit from this capital, among these infrastructures are the access route, the development of air, land or sea communication routes, and the development of handling in these sectors, as well as the establishment of residential centers. Catering and so on.
One of these infrastructures that can have a double impact on attracting tourists is the creation of inter-road units that include fuel stations, restrooms, dining halls, etc. These units were formed along the roads or inside villages and cities throughout history and still exist.
Sometimes the existence of a small coffee shop in a remote winding road has been able to play a very effective role in attracting tourists to that area. In the past, with the development of roads and access routes, small inter-road units have sometimes become large complexes, which have played an important role not only in the issue of employment but also in the issue of providing services to tourists. But unfortunately, in many places, not only this issue has not been taken into consideration, but cumbersome regulations have also caused the non-establishment of these units.
In the past, every 30 kilometers was usually referred to as a house, and observing these distances led to the creation of caravanserais and shelters. was considered Today, this distance may have changed due to the use of cars, but it requires at least every 60 kilometers along the road to create roadside centers or roadside health units.
Maybe these issues are unimportant at first glance, but with a deeper and deeper look, we can realize that the existence of such places can attract tourists, permanence, create employment, development and prosperity of tourism in a region.
A very important point that should be taken into account is that monitoring the provision of proper services to tourists in these centers is one of the basic things that must be taken into consideration continuously and seriously. Undoubtedly, the type of services provided in these complexes in terms of quantity and especially quality is not only effective in the level of satisfaction of tourists, but also leads to the stabilization of tourism in the region.
The serious entry of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage into the category of organizing sanitary services, which is a fundamental measure to improve part of the highway services at the country level, can be considered a big step to meet the basic needs of tourists and improve services on the main routes. A very positive event that, if implemented and closely monitored, will create very positive changes in the field of domestic tourism in the country.
In the end, it should be said that the development of cross-road services can be considered as a long-term investment for the development of tourism in the country, which plays an essential role in increasing the satisfaction of tourists and the prosperity of tourism routes.
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