Banking and insuranceEconomical

Insurance transformation has no other path than the electronic platform

According to the Monetary and Financial News Agency, quoting the General Directorate of Public Relations and International Affairs of the Central Insurance, Dr. Gholamreza Soleimani, during his visit to the Asian Insurance Authority in West Azerbaijan, stated the following: Through an integrated system, it can facilitate insurance and lead to sustainable development.
The Director General of Central Insurance stressed the need to separate insurance information in the two provinces and disciplines and expressed hope that the insurance penetration rate in West Azerbaijan will experience significant growth.
He mentioned Asia Insurance Company as an efficient and experienced group and added: “Considering the innovative manpower and favorable organizational infrastructure, it is expected that Asia Insurance Company will play a more effective role in the country’s insurance system.”
He called for the strengthening of the planning units of Asia Insurance Company and noted: “One-dimensional growth in certain fields is necessary but not enough, and in the digital context, the development process and transformation can be accelerated.”
In the end, Dr. Soleimani visited all departments and supervisory offices of Asian insurance branches in West Azerbaijan and got acquainted with the issues and problems of the staff of this complex.

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