Introducing Iran’s great insurance achievements in the development of smart insurance, soon

According to the financial news report, quoted by the public relations of Iran Insurance, Hassan Sharifi, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Iran Insurance, stated this on the eve of the “15th International Exhibition of the Financial Industry (Stock Exchange, Bank and Insurance)” and said: This year’s exhibition of the financial industry It will be a suitable place for us and the country’s insurance industry in order to introduce the latest achievements and innovations in the field of smart insurance and new insurance plans that are the result of the timely and deep attention of the managers of the last two decades, the leader of the country’s insurance industry, to the preparation of infrastructure. necessary to achieve current success in the field of digital insurance. The introduction of the “Risk estimation plan for car body insurance policyholders using data mining and artificial intelligence” is one of these successes.
Sharifi, using intelligent and virtual systems and tools, including mobile phones, audio and video podcasts, virtual networks and information channels, internal and external portals and portals. . . He considered Iran insurance as one of the ongoing programs in the field of planning and innovation of this company and added: In this context and with the aim of accelerating the movement of Iran insurance in the development of digital services and smart insurance, the infrastructure unit of the company will launch equipment new routing as the main core of routing the wide network across the country and the removal of old equipment from the service; Improving the bandwidth of the provincial centers to the data center and increasing the access speed of the provinces to the data center; Design and implementation of automatic data backup operation and implementation and completion of the first phase of this project; Implementation of log registration plan in data center equipment and network equipment across the country; Upgrading the system of connecting representatives to the data center and setting up backup equipment for when a functional error occurs in the main equipment (in such a way that the backup equipment automatically enters the circuit) and setting up the Dataguard system for administrative automation, in order to ensure the stability of the service and No data loss in the event of an error in the main system is in progress.
The CEO of Iran Insurance, referring to the activities and achievements of the software production and development unit of this company, the launch of the payment system on the third party claim line in the Iran Man Insurance system throughout the country, the implementation and operationalization of the pilot phase of the comprehensive treatment system, payment design In line with body damage, personal injury in the insurance system of Iran, I considered him to be one of the most important achievements of the company in the past year and added: In this context, the design and implementation of the pilot phase of the system of damage assessors, the launch of the system of regulations of limits and powers in the field of liability. The start of the pilot phase), the issuance of third party and body insurance online, fire and life and accident plans for Arbaeen Hosseini pilgrims in the Iran Man insurance system, delegation of authority in a systematic manner to the general administration of the provinces, the design of the Derman mobile application, the design of the damage and treatment system New and issuance of ship insurance policies have been other applications that have been implemented within the framework of our commitments to the slogan of “providing impeccable services to the people”.
The head of the board of directors of Iran Insurance also announced the completion of the stages of the “unconventional cars supplementary coverage plan in car body insurance” and said: Omid Mader life insurance plan with 40% progress, loss risk estimation plan for car body insurance policyholders using From data mining and artificial intelligence with 50% progress and the liability insurance plan for the guardian of a child or insane (pure mistake) with 40% progress are other innovative insurance plans in Iran.
Sharifi called coordination and planning in order to fulfill the company’s social responsibilities in the field of public education of insurance policyholders, the families of colleagues and all stakeholders from his important programs and the collection of Iranian insurance colleagues and stated: the formation of a virtual space working group with the aim of preparing, compiling and publishing scientific-educational content in the virtual space, planning and implementing training courses to receive the certificate of the competence evaluation center of colleagues, designing and presenting a plan for documenting the service experiences of employees about to retire, planning and holding training courses (non-attendance, engineering insurance technical and specialized) as well as planning, coordinating, securing credit and obtaining the necessary permits in order to register and benefit all managers and colleagues from the training courses of the government management training center and certified centers is one of the most important solutions of the company, which is provided by It has been implemented in the field of education in Iran’s insurance planning and innovation department. In this context, it should be mentioned that last year more than 250,000 person-hours of face-to-face and non-face-to-face training courses were implemented for company employees and managers and representatives across the country.
The CEO of Iran Insurance considered the formation of the committee for the development and transformation of information technology and statistics and the pre-project of developing the strategy of information technology and statistics in Iran insurance as one of the most important actions of the company in the development and strengthening of information technology management programs and said: holding meetings with the judiciary and Finalizing the memorandum of understanding to receive the required web services, connecting to the national window of smart government services at: and providing the services of my Iran insurance system through the government channel and holding meetings with the medical system organization. The direction of agreement and interaction to receive the required web services (for the online version) has been one of the great successes of Iran Insurance in the field of information technology.
Hassan Sharifi, in the end, referring to the approved programs of Iran Insurance in the field of digital services development, implementation of the project of direct contact and accountability of managers with stakeholders in the Comprehensive Customer and Stakeholder Response Center (SRM), setting up a special line for responding to claims and analysis Statistical reports in this center called accelerating the creation and launch of the customer club system and the preparation and compilation of the cyber security report in Iran insurance among the most important of these programs this year.