Investigating the quality indicators, financial support and improving the facilities of the Art Hall

The fourth meeting of the series of Hall of Arts meetings with active children and youth theater artists was held last August 19 with the presence of Azade Ansari, Mohammad Reza Maliki, Ramin Bahadri, Mehdi Qala and Shirin Kashfi.
Charso Press: According to the public relations of Art Hall, in this meeting, which was hosted by Mohsen Amiri, the director of Art Hall, different issues were discussed, including the reduction of production costs for directors, the selection of works and performance opportunities for veterans and young artists of this field. A conversation was held.
Azadeh Ansari, the director of theater and puppet theater, stated in this meeting: If the turn of the performances is to be divided between the old and the young, maybe the turn of the young will never come. Before such separation, it is better to pay attention to the quality of the works. After all, young people must start from somewhere and gain the necessary experience.
He clarified about the performance order: Custom performances should be at the discretion of the hall manager, and the manager should be able to answer to people like me and other artists. This is inevitable. The salon manager must take care of the quality and the orders do not always turn out to be good.
Emphasizing that if we want to do good work, we must have the necessary material and spiritual support, Ansari said: We cannot discuss the quality of works and ask that it be done without money.
This theater director said about the expenses that the hall can take from the director’s shoulders: Public relations and advertising of the shows cost a lot and it is necessary that these expenses be taken from the director’s shoulders. The major part of children’s and teenagers’ show expenses is devoted to making the decor, and the hall can reduce the additional expenses of the show by creating a decor workshop.
In the end, he discussed the importance of the play and the story of a play and added: Today’s children need to hear stories, and by updating the plays, we can tell them stories.
Mohammad Reza Maliki, an actor and theater director, was another artist who was present at this meeting. He said about the work of the former: The former need to know the basic issues so that they can at least communicate with the manager of the hall. Having a complete and good play is the basic requirement of a first job. We cannot expect a quality work without a play. At the same time, the play is the first window to guess about the quality of the final work.
He believes that the Art Hall can choose or order works for execution, and in order to improve the quality level, it can order work to the number of people who do good work.
Maliki clarified: A good and quality work should be fun first. In the second degree, it should respect the artistic aspect, and the next degree should be acceptable in the discussion of upbringing and education. These three aspects are completed by employing a group of quality designers and actors.
He considered it a good thing to give priority to Iranian plays and stories over foreign works, which can happen and be effective by updating old Iranian stories.
This theater actor considered the decision of the council behind closed doors and not allowing the director to defend himself to be a bad thing that the hall should avoid.
Mehdi Qala, the director of children’s and youth theater, also said in another part of the meeting: A good performance should be allowed to stay on stage. In other countries, they stage a show for years and don’t leave it with a few limited performances.
He considered changing the audience’s taste a necessity and explained: Some artists have caused the audience’s taste to change. The audience only likes musical shows and this must be changed and this is the artist’s duty.
Emphasizing on facilitating the text approval process through the Supervisory Council, Qala said: There should be transparency about the selection of works. If there is going to be a call, it should be made known to others after the call and selection of the works.
This theater director also addressed the two parts of financial support for theater groups and the selection council, which is very strong and reasonable, regarding the quality of theatrical productions, and considered these two necessary for choosing the right people with quality output, and continued: A veteran cannot necessarily work. Produce well. They should be helped in other areas. The presence of veterans must not be in the position of director.
Qala stated that ordering at any price is not the right thing to do: there are always exceptions that must be made, but in the end they must be of quality. The difference between the work of a child and an adult is the issue of design, color and stage, which requires money and is one of the pillars that should not be ignored. One of the important elements of a children’s show is to have a good story, which today’s theater is literally empty of.
Regarding the selection of council members, he also suggested leaving out duplicate people and employing new and elite people who can perform high-quality work.
In the other part of his speech, he discussed the importance of the youth theater and said: Due to the events that happened last year, the youth theater has lost its audience. Less work has been produced for this age group and there is no homework left. This incident should be investigated and resolved so that we can do something for teenagers.
Qala assessed the art hall for child and adolescent artists as a city theater for adult professional works and emphasized: Anyone who does not have a resume and has no experience should not perform directly in this hall. Unfortunately, this happened in the last four or five years and caused the quality of the hall to decline.
Qala criticized the performance of works from other cities in the art hall and added: the art hall belongs to Tehran and the artists who work professionally in Tehran do not get the opportunity to perform. After all, this happens every two years, so there is no reason to perform it to city groups in a hall in Tehran. The city group has a hall in their city and receives the necessary support in their city.
Shirin Kashfi, an actor and theater director, also emphasized in this meeting: Having colors, costumes, and a stage cannot necessarily be the definition of a children’s show, and this is a plague that covers many weaknesses. The border of quality in children’s and teenagers’ shows is influence and flow. Most directors acknowledge this.
He considered children’s participation in the selection of works to be an important event from the children’s point of view, and he said about the need for financial support for theatrical works: without financial support, we cannot expect anyone to work, and if we want to order, order from someone who has already been able to do so. Introduce many spectators to the hall or bring them back to the hall.
Kashifi also considered it essential to set up a decor workshop and consider a space for keeping good decors and emphasized the need to upgrade the facilities of the hall so that the director’s hands are open to produce a good show.
Kashfi suggested that the hall have its own ticket sales site, as the group does not want to pay a percentage to other sales sites outside of the hall, and added: On this site, you can advertise shows or use it to hold online workshops. did
He suggested showing good foreign works and setting up dialogue sessions to analyze and criticize these works as a suggestion.
Ramin Bahadri, another artist present at this meeting, discussed the quality indicators of children’s and teenagers’ shows and stated: We should consider some of the quality as entertainment, and it is a fact that children feel good when they are entertained after finishing the performance. Another part is the quality of having a play and other issues of a show. To select these works, having a council consisting of artists and a number of spectators can help in the quality of work and understanding the audience’s taste.
He said: A different look at a frequent story is not necessarily bad. It is possible to produce an interesting work with a different look at an interesting story. We did this with “Bezek bellgole foot”. In that work, we used Iranian show techniques. We told stories and introduced some Iranian performance techniques to the children. Creativity in using the tools and facilities of the stage can excite and impress children.
Bahadri also said about performing the work of the former: the old and the young are all one body and can help move a car. Sometimes young people perform better works and even more original plays on the stage. And sometimes with their creativity, they make more viewers turn to children and teenagers shows.