Iran will host the international dust summit

According to Moj news agency, Ali Selajgeh in the 12th meeting of the National Headquarters for Policy and Coordination of Dust Phenomenon Management, pointing out that one of the resolutions of the regional meeting of ministers the environment which was held in Iran in the summer of last year, was the launch of the regional dust organization.
The vice president emphasized the importance of holding the international dust summit hosted by our country and said: environmental diplomacy is the main priority for the country’s political diplomacy, so the achievement of the dust summit is important for us.
He went on to emphasize the necessity of the presence of the heads of the member organizations or their deputies in the meetings of the National Headquarters for Policymaking and Coordination of Dust Phenomenon Management, and stated: So far, 11 meetings of the National Headquarters for Policymaking and Coordination of Dust Phenomenon Management have been held in the 13th government. and the output of these meetings should be evaluated and made public.
Selajgeh added: Of course, by the end of June this year, all the legal instructions and guidelines will be communicated by the responsible agencies and the headquarters, and the performance of the headquarters’ member agencies will be evaluated and informed in the form of a schedule.
According to him, the presence of all member organizations in the headquarters meetings is mandatory because the decisions made in these meetings are related to the health of the people and the psychological, food and vital security of the society.
The Vice President continued by appreciating the action of the Meteorological Organization in setting up the dust warning and advance warning system, and emphasized the need to complete and improve this system.
Referring to the announcement of the officials of the Meteorological Organization about the need of 125 billion tomans for the development and improvement of this system, the head of the Environmental Protection Organization considered the rapid implementation of this system as a basic and necessary prerequisite for stabilization and implementation operations, and demanded follow-up in order to secure its validity as soon as possible. it’s time
Selajgeh considered it necessary to cooperate with the neighboring countries to receive their meteorological data in order to improve the warning system and forewarning of the occurrence of dust and said: Considering the weaknesses that some of these countries have in collecting and analyzing this data, Determining the locations of monitoring stations or areas of these countries that have a statistical vacuum is necessary by the Meteorological and Environmental Organization, and the exchange of experts with these countries can also be a way forward.
Selajgeh clarified: In the upcoming meeting of the headquarters, the performance of the responsible bodies in the dust headquarters will be informed to the public based on the legal duties and assigned tasks, and if there is any negligence, it will be followed up by the relevant authorities in the government.
In this meeting, with 3 agendas, a report on the actions taken regarding the agenda, results and the level of participation of the members in the meetings of the National Headquarters in 1401 and explaining the process of holding the International Dust Summit centered on the International Affairs Center and the organization’s conventions Environmental protection and the presentation of measures taken by the country’s meteorological organization regarding Article 5 of the dust regulations were held, the representatives of the member organizations of the headquarters expressed their opinions and suggestions about the agenda of the meeting.